jumpy castle

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Note this will be told in modern AU

WARNING: this is a lemon so they would be sexual content so you don't like then you shouldn't read this.

Shisui was currently over at Mikoto and fugaku's house, today was shisui's birthday. He was turning twenty one, and Mikoto had a surprise for him.

He was told to go to the backyard, there he saw a jumpy castle. Fugaku and mikoto stood next to it, Mikoto with a big smile on her face.

" What's this? "

" Your birthday present from us "

" It's a jump castle "

" I know, you always told us you never had a childhood. So since your part of this family now, we decided to get you this. Now get in there and jump, so I can take a couple pictures "

" Mikoto i'm twenty one, I think I'm a bit too old for this "

" Get in there and jump "

She said in a scary tone, shisui shivered a little. He took off his shoes and began to jump, and mikoto took pictures.

" Be happier "

" But I am "

" I said happier "

Shisui shivers by the dark tine she used, he smiles nervously. She smiles and snaps more pictures of him.

" Alright there, me and fugaku are going to leave and let you enjoy yourself. Sasuke going to spend the night at a friend's, have fun! "

They leave and shisui left alone, he sits down in the jumpy castle and was on his phone. He was on his phone for a bit, he eventually lays down and looks at the sky. The roof of the jumpy castle had a little net, allowing you to look up to the sky.


Shisui hears his phone ringing and groan's, he looks at it and smiles. It's his boyfriend calling him, he smiles and picks up the phone.

" Hey Bebe "

" Hey shisui, I made reservations at your favorite restaurant for tonight "

" Aww really that's great, but I doubt I can go "

" Why's that? "

" Well your parents got me a jumpy castle, and your mom took pictures of me jumping. She was really scary and really wanted me to enjoy this, I'm not sure I can leave "

" Oh, why don't you ask her "

" Alright, one minute "

Shisui text Mikoto to see if he can leave, and got a reply quick.

From: Mikoto 😊

To: shisui 😌😥


" Okay so your mom said no, and I don't feel like disobeying her. So she can come and kill us "

" Okay, I'll just bring take out, and cancel our reservation "

" Alright, I'll see you in a bit. Love ya! "

" I love you too shisui "

Shisui smiles and hangs up, he looks at time and his eyes widen.



" Shisui I'm here "

" Over here! "

Itachi looks and sees the jumpy castle and walks over to it.

" Huh you weren't kidding "

" Yeah "

" I brought McDonald's, figuring it's the closes thing to fancy take out "

" Yeah!, Come inside "

Itachi climbs inside and sits next to shisui, and shisui wraps his hand around his waist.

" I missed you~ "

Itachi blushes and shisui press there cheeks together.

" Shisui "

" What, I'm just showing you how much I miss you "

Itachi let's him hug him, as he has a blush across his face. Soon they eat there food and jumped for a bit, it was now night time and the moon was out.

" Look itachi, the moon pretty "

" Hm, yeah "

Shisui turns and see he's on his phone, not even looking at him.

" Itachi I'm talking to you "

" Your talking about the moon, yeah, yeah "

Shisui frowns and snatch the phone out of his hands.

" Hey! "

" It's my birthday, your supposed to be spending time with me, not your phone "

" Shisui I'm eighteen, technically still a teenager. So I have to be kept up to date on all my social medias "

" Your acting very bad itachi, I think someone needs a punishment~ "

Shisui then pushes him on his back, itachi let's out a little gasp. Shisui kisses him and quickly thrust his tongue inside of him and explores his mouth.

One of his hands sneak up into his shirt, and finds his left nipple. Itachi let's out a little moan and shisui smirks into the kiss.

He began to rub his nipple making itachi moan, he arches his back in. Shisui pulls away from the kiss, and quickly began to mark his neck with love marks. Itachi began to moan as he felt shisui pleasure him.

Shisui pulls off his shirt and his fingers are soon replaced with his warm tongue. He began to suck on his nipple, and pulled off his pants and boxers, he bagan to stroke his already hard member.

Shisui pulls away from his nipple, he goes up and kisses him. He pulls off his own boxers and pants, and stroked himself till he was hard.

He rubbed the head of his member against itachi's entrance, pushing the head in a little and pulling it out. Itachi moans into the kiss, and shisui then slambs into him.

Itachi pulls away from the kiss and throws his head back, letting out a loud moan. Shisui starts to move in and out of him fast and hard, itachi gripped the back of his shirt.

He moaned loud and arch his back in all the way, he began to move his hips along with shisui's. Shisui moved faster making him moan, itachi tried to hold back his moans. But shisui was hitting his g spot hard, and itachi couldn't keep his mouth shut.

Shisui continued to mark his neck and shoulders, he would kiss his lips to keep his voice down and itachi pulled him closer to him. He felt his climax coming and he tighten around shisui.

Shisui kisses him to keep his voice down, and itachi cums. His moan muffled by shisui's lips, and not long shisui cums inside of him.

They pull away from the kiss and start to pant, shisui pulls out of him and lays down, with itachi on his chest. He ran his fingers through his hair, and itachi hums in delight.

" Happy birthday Bebe "

" Thank you Bebe "

Itachi leans up and kisses him, shisui kisses him back.

This is for my boi shisui, happy very late birthday give him some love guys. I hope you guys enjoyed it, until next time.
~ pikatachi 🤗

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