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Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V
I struggled to get out of bed. Knowing that nobody out there was actually waiting or caring for me..
The only way I actually got out of bed everyday was just putting the image of my mom's happy face in my head. If it wasn't for her..I don't even think i'd still be in this pitiful world.

I rolled out of my bed and put on my school uniform. I looked at my arms. "..." Each cut spoke to me. Just repeating the same things over and over again..The fact that i'm a nobody. I pulled down my sleeves and grabbed my phone. I sighed. Time for another day full of lies and misery. I put a smile on my face and walked out of my dorm.
"Oi!" I heard a familiar voice call from across the hall. It got closer but I didn't bother turning around. "Stop smiling so much nerd! It's creepy!" Kacchan scoffed. "Why do you care Kacchan? It really isn't your place to tell me what to do and what not to do anymore.." I continued smiling. "Hah!? Are you trying to pick a fight with me!?" He pinned me up against the wall. "Bakubro!" Kirishima and Kaminari ran down the hall. "Huh? What are you doing?" Kaminari questioned. "Tch..Nothing.." He pushed me to the side, I lost my balance and fell on the ground. Kacchan and the others walked away. I didn't even get offered any help, but it can't be helped. I am a Nobody after all..

I picked myself up and dusted off. I felt as if I were to stop smiling, I'd just burst out in tears. And nobody wants to see that ugly sight, right? I sniffled, holding back the tears forming in my eyes. "Deku-kun?" I turned around. "What are you doing?" I looked at her. "N-nothing.." Iida came up behind her. "Woah! Are those bags under your eyes Midoriya-kun?!" Iida waved his hand around like a malfuctioning robot. I rubbed my eyes. I haven't got much sleep lately..nor have I been eating much so it could only be expected. "Mhm..but i'm fine!" I smiled. Uraraka didn't seem sure but she smiled back. "Well..we were looking for you! Let's walk to class together..! Shall we?" She skipped ahead. "Wait Uraraka-san!" Iida called after the brunette but she was long gone. I fell behind him as he walked to catch up to her, I honestly didn't care. Once again, I was left alone...

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