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(Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V)
It has been a few days since I was released from the hospital.

The doctors had Recovery girl heal my minor injuries, like broken bones and bruises.

I've had to go to therapy and there was no way I could skip that. But..one thing has been bothering me..

Nobody has told me about Kacchan. Whenever I bring something up about him..To anyone actually, the atmosphere gets tenser and they just change the subject.

It's as if everyone knows something I don't. Like they're hiding it from me..I really want to know what happened to Kacchan..

"Mom.." I walked downstairs from my room. On the weekends, U.A allowed students to go home to their families unless they're was an attack or villain loose.

"Oh. Good afternoon Izuku!" She smiled at me.

I returned her smile. Even if it was a little forced. I actually can't smile properly anymore..Maybe because i'd been faking it for so long...

"Uh..I have a question?" I saw her quickly snatch her phone off the table and hide it. "Hm?"

She was guilty. She didn't want me to know something, just like everyone else in my life..

"..Why won't anyone tell me what happened to Kacchan?" I got straight to the point. I mean, why beat around the bush?

"..O-Oh..Uhm..Before that, are you hungry!?" She seemed scared of something. Quickly standing up and walking to the kitchen.

"Mom. Don't change the subject..please. I just want to know. I miss him.." She froze.

"..W-who said I was changing the subject?" She looked at me. "..." I looked down, scratching my arm a little even though the cuts were now just scars.

It became a habit. But it would feel way better if I would bleed or something..

"Fine..Are you sure..you want to know?" I nodded. "..Like seriously?"

I frowned. Why wouldn't she just tell me already? Whatever it is can't be that bad..right?

"A-alright..I'm not supposed to tell you this but..it's hard to keep things from you.." She cleared her throat.


"He's..In a coma.." I cocked my head to the side.

"..Coma? Why?" I don't want to believe that it was because of my attempted sucide..no way!

"..He..He shielded you from getting hurt really bad that..day. Instead, he got hurt extremly bad and is critical condition." She sighed. "He broke a lot of his ribs, in which one of the bones pierces his heart. He has a serious concussion and a lot of broken bones..but.."

I felt tears come to my eyes. I wanted to cry or show some affection but..no matter how much I tried..I couldn't.

"It's not you're fault honey! He did this to help you so..don't think it is against you!" The look on her face told me she didn't mean what she was saying right now.

Does she actually think I'm this dumb?

It's your fault. Fault. You're at fault. People in Comas don't usually wake up! He may never wake up because you were an Idiot and decided to jump!

I almost choked on air as the voice manifested in my head again. And I was actually starting to think..It was gone..

That I was actually improving. I guess it was a lie. Everything's a lie..

"I-I see..Thanks..for letting me know.." I forced another smile. I started walking upstairs to my room before nausea overcame me.

Causing me to only run up to the bathroom and puke. I wonder why though..why did I suddenly get sick like that?

It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault! It's your fault!

The voice kept repeating in my head until a certain point it stopped.

You know what to do right? It helps you right? Don't you wnat to feel better?

I held my stomach as I walked over to a drawer in the bathroom. Taking a pair of scissors.

I had promised not to do this again. I had promised my mom, my friends, Kacchan..

But they just don't understand..

(Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V)
How many days has it been?

Or has it even been days? Hours? Weeks? Months? Years!?

I don't fucking know! I hate being fucking 'asleep' in this coma!

Just! I fucking hate this!

I can hear everything anybody says around me. They may not think so but I'm fully aware of what is going on.

Except for how long I've been in this coma. I actually think it's been months but..Whatever..

I still don't remember though. What exactly caused this. I can only remember falling and the word 'love'

Trying to think any further last or behind that moment hurts my head and just makes everything foggy.

I heard a door open. "Mrs. Bakugo.."

Wait..Old hag? Why the fuck is she here? I haven't heard her talking in what feels like forever. Her voice is still as annoying as ever..

"..T-this is about Katsuki hm? Did something bad happen? O-or.." I heard sniffled from in front of me..

"Unfortunely, due to the amount of patients we are getting so quickly..which is over a hundred in only three days. We will have to either move you're son to a hospital somewhere across Japan or just..cut him off."

Cut me off? Like..Life support? I'm on Life support?

"What no! It's only been a few weeks! You can't do this! If you move him across Japan, Me and my husband can't see him and we can't transport money as easily to pay for his life support! Please don't do this!!"

"We're sorry. But you have a week to make this choice. I would suggest speaking to your husband about this.." Heavy footsteps seemed to get lighter and harder to hear meaning that someone was leaving.

"..I don't want to lose anyone else..I'm so sorry Katsuki.." I felt her grip my hand.

"I-I'm so so sorry!" She cried. I actually can't recall the last time I seen her cry. Or even heard her.

I had just concluded she never cries..

I almost never cry..

But I felt like crying..and begging for them not to this. But I can't!

Because i'm in a fucking Coma!

..Am I going to die?..
(A/N: I'm a lonely potato

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