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(Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V)

I left the school. I left U.A period..

I couldn't be there..deal with anyone pittying me or anything..

I bandaged my arm and was walking already to the beach me and All might trained at before I got into U.A..

"..." I walked to a empty part of the beach and sat down, hoping nobody could find me there. "Was it right to go off on Kacchan and Todoroki-kun like that?"

I sighed. To be honest, I didn't know what was right and what was wrong anymore.

I watched the ocean currents and small waves move.





Words replayed in my head as my eyelids got heavier.

Kill yourself..

I finally fell asleep after a long replay of hurtful words and memories.
"Deku-kun.." I shifted around in my sleep, opening my eyes a little.

"Midoriya.." Iida, Uraraka, Kacchan, And Todoroki were all..standing in front of me you could say..

"Hm?" I hummed in response. "..Were you here all day?"

I ignored them. "We heard about what happened..Is it..is it true..?"

I studied their faces..


They had looks of pity on their faces..

"What do you mean?" Iida waved his hand. "We heard about what happened earlier..with you and.." He cleared his throat.

"..Oh?" I stood up. "..And how was that..?"

Everyone looked away. "..I see.."

"Just..You know if you want or need to talk, we're here..!" Uraraka smiled.


"She's right Midoriya, we're friends aren't we?" I had the urge to scratch my arm again but..I couldn't.

Not now at least.

"..Yeah..Friends.." I sighed. Forcing a smile. "I'll talk to you guys..If I need too.."


My eyes adverted to Kacchan..Who seemed as if he didn't care. As usual..


"Deku! How about we go somewhere all together!?" Uraraka clapped.

I looked down. "Hm..No..not today..I-I don't feel good so i'm going home.."

I pushed past them. Feeling their stares directed towards me as I walked home.


They pity you..

They believe you're a burden!

I shoved my hands into my jacket pocket.




I smiled to myself..Grabbing a blade our of my pocket.

"..How fun it would be to end it all..and see what their pitied expressions turn to.." I laughed to myself..


I didn't feel like myself anymore..

I didn't feel like anyone..

I didn't feel anything..

(A/N: Get ready for dat guud ol' backstory now! And yeah, I did add more backstory like..y'know what happened off screen BNHA oop)

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