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(Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V)
Kacchan forced me to go back to school.

He actually came to my house and kicked me out..of my own house!

'Deku! Go back to school and learn!!'

'What no! Kacchan stop! Ahh!!'

'And take care of yourself while at school, Nerd..'

And now I'm here..getting weird stares from people. Maybe because I've been absent for almost a week straight.

Upon walking into the school, it seemed quieter somehow. And a little more gloomy..

Going into the classroom it was even worse. They were quiet. Class 1-A was quiet and the atmosphere seemed heavy.

"..." All eyes turned to me as I quickly walked to my seat. I keep expecting Kacchan to come in here at any minute..

"..Deku-kun?" Uraraka came up to me. "..H-Hi Uraraka.." I waved awakardly.

"W-where were you..you've been absent almost a week!!" She frowned. "O-oh..Well..You see..That's a long long story.." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"..A-anyways.." I looked around the room. "What's wrong with everyone? You all seem..sad.."

She looked at Kacchan's empty seat. "I-I thought..you would've heard by..now.." I tilted my head.

"Heard what?" She gulped. "Deku.."
She looked afraid. As if she was scared of something. "Bakugo-kun he..Well..Deku..He's dead.."

I frowned. I didn't think they knew! Now that he's alive again, this will arise a whole bunch of new problems.

"O-Oh.." I put on a fake sad attitude. Kacchan was alive. But I guess only me and my mom along with his family knew that.

Although, I want to know how He came back from being dead longer than two days..?

"..I'm sorry..You had to figure out this way.." She hugged me. "..I-It's okay.."

I was startled by her sudden actions. A few others came up to me with what seemed like the same exact questions everytime.

The rest of the school day was quiet and gloomy. And just to add to how gloomy it was, It started raining. How cliché..
"Kacchan!!" I ran up to him as soon as I saw him again. He seemed to be spending a lot of time at my house.

"..What?" That's not how you greet someone Stupid..

"..Everybody at school is depressed and sad! Especially Kirishima! Everyone knows you died and they think your still dead and I can't take the pressure!" I whined and complained as he pulled me into a hug.

"Can't you come back to school!? I have to go back and I felt as if I was going to go into a anxiety attack today!!" I hyperventilated.

"..I can't. Don't you think it'd be weird for me to be pronounced dead for days and suddenly appear at school?" I nuzzled my face into his shirt.

"No! You can just make an excuse! Like..it was a miracle! That you were pronounced dead but woke up because they made a mistake in like..l-I don't know!" He pulled my cheeks. Which hurt a lot.

"Stop being such a baby Izuku. Man up." I whined as he kept pulling my cheeks. I mean, I get that they're chubby but..this is harassment!

"..F-Fine!" He let go of cheeks. Which were now a fine shade of red.

"Just wait alright?" I nodded. Even though I didn't agree to it..

I can't handle this alone. It's too much pressure and I hate it! Why can't he understand that..?!
(Katsuki's Bakugo P.O.V)
Stupid Deku.

He keep being a stupid crybaby. I mean, he was always a crybaby but it gets annoying sometimes.

Though I am worried. Which is a first because empathy was really something I never possessed..

I hope i'm not putting pressure on him. I mean, You were previously depressed and made an attempted sucide. In which your boyfriend took the fall for you and ended up dying in the process. Now he's back alive and you can't tell anyone.

That's a lot to take in. If I were him, I probably would've already broken down already. No matter how much I hate to admit it, He's pretty tough to make it this far.

Even if he did try to commit sucide earlier..He hadn't tried to do it again from what I know meaning he actually has more willpower than it seems.

But It's not lile a I care! To me he's just a fucking Nerd.

Maybe I should go back though. I mean, Making up an excuse is really easy. The part i'm worried about is the questions and proof.

Do the teacher even know I'm alive? I've seen the news. U.A is getting a lot of hate because one student from hero course made an attempted sucide and another died.

And not to even mention how the press will be up in everyone's faces about it. If they do so I will actually blow off their faces and laugh about it.

I just have to think about this. Overnight I guess..

(A/N: I'm thinking this story is almost over. I'm running out of Ideas for this certain story and I have new ideas for another one already. So I may end this one soon-)

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