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(Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V)
"Deku." I turned around in my seat to look at him.

The so called teacher wasn't even doing anything. He was sleeping and letting all the extras go crazy.

"..Hm?" He didn't bother looking up at me. "Go on date with me.."

I swear he muttered something under his breath and if I had caught it, i'd have a reason to yell.

I hate having to be quiet. It's so..dumb!

"T-that..was very blunt.." He put his pencil down. "Not really."

"Not really? I wasn't expecting you to ask me on a date!" I shurgged. I didn't really care and didn't want to hear his dumbass rant.

"..So..yes or no?" He flushed a bit. "S-sure..when?"

"After school, duh.." I picked up his pencil and tapped it on the desk. Not minding the bite marks deep into the paint.

"O-okay.." After that we just talked. By talking I mean him being a nerd and making me irritated.

Y'know, the fucking usual.
I waited outside of the classroom for him. He takes forever trying to pack up everyday.

Is it because he still carries that small backpack everywhere? Nothing can actually fit in there can it?

"O-okay..Sorry I made you wait Kacchan.." He smiled. "Whatever.."

He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the school hand-in-hand.

"So..where are we going?" I frowned. I totally didn't think about that. "..Uh..I'm not sure yet but wait and see nerd..!"

"Okay.." Maybe the arcade is good. But like..food.

I know he likes food. He eats a lot. And some how he never manages gets fat.

Man, I wish I could do that.

"We can have Ice cream.." I thought out loud. "Yay! Ice cream!" (Boku no Pico)

We stopped by the store. Which I'm pretty sure he found weird because you don't usually get ice cream from a gas station.

Well, fuck him because I just brought a whole bucket of mint fucking ice cream!

"Kacchan!!" He watched me buy the ice cream. "Is that necessary!?"

I nodded. "..Ice cream has been proven to be good for the brain.. So I brought you a whole bucket because you need it.."

He puffed up his cheeks. "Rude!!" We walked out of the gas station.

"..Where do you want to go?" I honestly don't care for his opinion.


I lied, yes I do. "We can just go..to one of our house because You kinda brought a whole bunch of ice cream and they most likely won't allow ice cream anywhere we go!"

I held up the ice cream. "Yeah sure.."

We decided to go to my house. Since I actually have a T.V in my room. His room is creepy anyways, a bunch of all mights just staring into your soul.

"..Yesterday.." He tried opening the ice cream without crushing it. "Hm?"

"You asked me why I told a whole bunch of different stories to other people.."

He finally got the ice cream opening but sacrificed on of his fingers. Which wasn't my problem too much.

"I said nevermind. Why are you still bringing it up..?" I scoffed.

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