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(Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V)
I mean, I was peacefully asleep in my bed until I was awoken by loud noises.

" Deku!!" I jolted up, suprised to see Kacchan in my house..in my room. Didn't mom lock the door yesterday?

"What are you doing in my house Kacchan!!" I screeched. I just noticed he was wearing his school Uniform.

"I've made up my mind!!" He yelled..which really wasn't needed. It was kinda early in the morning.

"You never answered my question!!"

He ignored me anyways. "I will go to school! But only because I don't want to keep missing out on things! Falling behind means you're a failure!!" He decleared, getting a small groan out of me.

"That's a harsh way of thinking Kacchan.." I got out of my bed. He kinda broke into my house and woke me up so what's the point in going back to sleep.

"Now hurry up nerd. We're already late..!" He hissed. "Wait what?"

I looked at my All Might themed clock. He was right, we were late..extra late actually..

"Ah!" I quickly got ready. Skipping breakfest..because..we were late?
"God..Mr. Aizawa gonna scold..me!!" I almost said us, remembering that Kacchan was supposed to be dead.

"Good. That would be funny.." I glared at him. Opening the door slowly.

I got a few looks from my classmates and my teacher. "Problem child. Why are you late.."

I looked down. "Well..It's kinda a long story..but Uhm.."

I played with my fingers. "Get into the classroom nerd. Nobody wants to hear your idiotic explanations.." Kacchan shoved me lightly further into the classroom.

"Ah-" I caught myself before turning around. "..."

The classroom was quiet..only a few small mutters were filling the silence. I awakardly walked to my seat.

Kacchan gave me a 'why the hell did you just abandon me?' Look. Which I had to admit, made me almost laugh.

"..Right..Midoriya..Bakugo..May I please talk to you two outside." I just sat down and I already have to get back up.

Just rude. We both walked out of the classroom with Mr. Aizawa. "..How?"

Was the only question he asked. "..How what?" Kacchan pretended to act oblivious to the situation.

"..Kacchan..You know what he means.." I muttered. "..Oh that. What do you mean 'How?'"

"No offense by this but. You're supposed to be dead somehow.." Mr. Aizawa frowned.

"Do I look dead to you?" I stifled a small laugh. It would've most definitely gotten me in trouble.

"No, But you are dead to me. So tell me, how are you alive exactly?" Kacchan explained to him but..

It wasn't the same exact story Kacchan told me, his parents, and my mom..

"I see..Okay, both of you just go to the principals..so you can explain this to the offcials.." I gulped.

Kacchan lied. He lied to Mr. Aizawa..or did he lie to us? I couldn't muster up the courage to ask him though..

Yet, all these questions ran through my head..Not to mention the voice just adding along more things to think about.

Honestly, I think its permanent..No matter the type of rehab or pills I take. Though, it's not telling me to hurt or kill myself..sometimes..

He's hiding something from you

In a relationship, you shouldn't hide things from you're partner

You should confront him about it..

What if he lies to you this whole time?

You think he's seeing someone else?

I choked at that horrible thought. "What the hell is wrong with you Deku?"

Me and Kacchan were already standing in fronr of the principal's office.

"U-uhm.." I gave him an awakard laugh. "..Whatever.." He ignored my behaviour, stepping inside of the office.

Even when in there, he told a slightly different story and I just went along with it.

That's how it was the rest of the day. Telling few different people different stories..

Which one was the truth? And why was he telling everyone something different? I don't get it..
(Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V)
Maybe it was wrong of me to make up different stories for different people.

Ha! That's a lie! I don't feel sympathy for anyone except myself! It's a stupid emotion.

Speaking of emotions, Deku seemed distant all day. Or as if he was contemplating something.

He wouldn't even pay attention to those asking him questions about me and him.

While i'd threaten to blow their faces off, he sat there and muttered or been the stupid nerd he always is.

Disgustingly adorable.

"Kacchan.." Me and this nerd walked home holding hands. Showing public display of affection..ew?

"What!?" I spoke in my usual angry tone. Even though I wasn't currently angry.

"..Did you lie to me..my mom and your parents?" I stiffned. "What?! Why would I lie about anything!?"

"..." He looked down, kicking rocks into the street.

"You told different stories to different people all day long. Straying farther from the path of the one you told all of us originally.." I frowned.

"..That is.." I paused as he let go of my hand. "Nevermind..forgot I said anything.."

He kissed my cheek and walked into his house.(apartment complex) "Bye bye Kacchan. See you tommarrow!"

I scoffed. I can't actually tell him my reason behind it...but I can give him hints..right?

(A/N: Anime girl-

(A/N: Anime girl-

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