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Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V

Shitty hair invited me to some group hang out or whatever.

Of course I didn't want to go, but no, I was dragged along by Shitty hair amd soy sauce face!

Now I'm here, Having to stand by annoying round face and wait for that stupid nerd.

Man was he slow, add that to all his flaws..

"Hey!" Round face waved her hand, like I wasn't beside her because she was all in my face.

"Sorry to keep you guys waiting.." Deku rubbed the back of his head.

"Nah, It's fine! We were actually discussing where we should go first! What do you think?"

I tuned out their stupid conversation but, something else got my attention.

I looked down, Deku was wearing Long sleeves.

Others wouldn't most likely find this weird but I've been around him since we were babies, In all that time, he had admitted multiple times to hate wearing Long sleeve shirts.

That was more of my thing when we hung out, mainly because it helped my quirk.

Looking down lowerer, there were well-hidden but still visible bandages on his hand. I scoffed.

Soon the group started walking somewhere, I was clueless since I tuned out on the conversation so I just followed them.

Deku stayed in the back behind me, I wanted to confront him about what the hell he was wearing.

Once we got far enough from the group, I grabbed his arm. He let out a small whine and looked up at me.

"What the fuck Deku!" He looked away.

"W-what? What did I do?" His voice trembled. "Why are you wearing and why are there bandages on your arm!?"

He trembled all over, a anxious look on his face. "Uhm..I..burnt myself when trying to cook.." I scoffed, Pulling up his sleeves.

He yanked his arm away, yelping in pain after doing so. "Don't touch me!" He scowled. "Hah!?" I grabbed him again.

I succesfully pulled up his sleeves, the arm in bandages had small stains of red on them.

From what I know, Burns don't bleed unless they are really bad. He would be in the hospital most likely if it was that bad.

His eyes glistned. "Let go of me Kacchan.." He sniffled. "Please.." I frowned. I don't know why but whenever I saw Deku visibly sad, It just hurt.

Not sure how to explain it but..My heart dropped into my stomach I'll say..

I scoffed, Letting go of his arms. "Tell me..what really happened..?" He wiped his eyes.

"Hey guys! Come on, what are you doing?"

"Bakubro! What cha' chatting about?" Shitty hair and Pinky interrupted us.

"GO AWAY! DIE!" I yelled, pushing them ahead again.

The rest of the day, I couldn't help but think of what Deku did to his arms..

Was it really just a burn? Or was there something I wasn't seeing?

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