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(Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V)

Unbearable pain made its way through my body.

It hurts..At least..It did..

Beep beep beep beep beep beep

I opened my eyes slowly. White.

Everything was a white. Many machines sat beside me..as I stared up at a roof.


I opened my eyes a little more. Opening them all the way caused a really horrible pain in my head.

"..Izuku.." A door opened. I watched as my mom stepped in.

Her eyes were a puffy red. She looked..horrible..

"M..mom.." I coughed out. My throat was extremly dry.

"I-Izuku!?" She ran over to me. Crouching down on her knees as she cried.

"..You're awake!" She cried. "..Mom.." I choked on the air that was only making my throat dryer.

"W..what..Ha..ppened..?" She frowned at me.

"..Y-You." She sighed. "You made an attempted sucide by jumping off the roof.."

All the memories came flooding back to me. Causing my head to hurt a little..but at least..they're back?

"..K..Kacchan.." Tears came to my eyes as I remembered. Kacchan..he protected me from the impact of the ground.

"..." She only shook her head. "I cannot tell you yet.."

I looked away. I wanted to know. I needed to know..

Is he okay?
Later into the week, I found out that i'd been out for a week and two days after the incident.

I suffered a serious concussion, My legs broke, and my neck was almost broken. I also had almost gone deaf due to the head injury.

But..My injuries weren't even as bad as Kacchan's..

He suffered way more than me. He might not make it. He might die.

He's hurt..because of me! He might die because of me!

It's not fair..

I'm not even allowed to see him. I have to go to rehab after i'm better..And only family is allowed to see him..

Nobody except my mom has come to visit me so far. None of my classmates..

I wouldn't be surprised if they hate me now. I wouldn't even be sad..

It can only be expected. What I did..was extremely selfish of me..

And to think I aimed to be selfless..

"Izuku?" My mom entered the roof.

One good thing about this week though..I guess was the fact that I didn't have permanent damage besides the deaf thing.

So I can now sit up at anytime..it just hurts..

"You have..Visitors.." She stepped aside, letting many people come in.

All of class 1-A..excluding Kacchan. Talk about jinxing it..

"..." She stepped out of the room and closed the door back. "..Midoriya.."

I forced myself to sir up. Not making direct eye contact with any of them..

"Kero kero! We all came to visit you..Because we all miss you!" She was lying. The whole class seemed tense..as if they were all forced here.

"..Thanks.." I smiled. Even if it was fake, thinking about it made me smile.

"..How have you been?" Kaminari broke the beginnings of a long silence. "..Okay..I guess.." I fiddled with my fingers.

"Listen..Guys-" I gulped. "I-I'm sorry. I really am. I'm so selfish for what I did..I-I.." I wiped my eyes.

I felt arms wrap around me. I raised my head, even though it hurt my neck a little.

Kaminari, Uraraka, Iida, Kirishima, and Todoroki all wrapped their arms around me. Everyone who didn't just gave me soft smiles.

"It's okay Deku. You were going through hard times..and you felt lost.." Uraraka smiled.

"..Mhm! Just next time..Come to us..we're friends..right?" Todoroki hugged me tighter..

"O-okay.." I sniffled, bursting out into tears after. They did care..I was just to stupid too see it..
(Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V)
What the fuck?

Where am I?

Everything is all dark. I can only hear the faint sounds of Breathing..i think..and Beeping.

"Hey champ.." I couldn't open my eyes. I could feel that they were closed but..they just won't open.

I also can't bring myself to move a single muscle..much less my eyes..

"..How are you doing today?" It was the voice of my old man. I felt something go through my head.

As if he was ruffling it. "..Hah..I hope you're doing good. Me and your mother are worried to death for you.."

I heard him sniffle. Was he crying? What even happened?

"It's been..two weeks..since then.."

Since what? I don't remember..it's all fuzzy..

"Inko is also deeply worried for you..Everyone is.." He chuckled. "..."

Silence engulfed the room. This beeping was really getting annoying.

"..Please wake up soon. Don't be in this coma for too long. We all miss you Katsuki.."

Coma? What the fuck!?

A fucking Coma!? How did I even get into a Coma! What happened!

Is that why I can't move or talk?! Shit..

Is he fucking serious right now?

Am I really..In a Coma?

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