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(Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V)

I watched as Deku walked out of the bathroom. Dunce face blurted out.

"Man! Todo! What did you do to make him so angry?!" He put his hands behind his head.

"He wasn't angry..He was clearly sad Dunce face.." I growled, walking over to the sink so I could brush my teeth.

"Huh? Why would he be sad? Did someone do something to him?" Shitty hair chimed into the conversation.

"Yeah, Somebody did do something to him.." Half n' Half glared at me, a hint of anger in his usually monotone voice.

"What's your deal Man? I didn't do anything to you, so stop glaring at me!" I put toothpaste on my toothbrush.

"You did something to Midoriya! No, fuck that, you did so many things to Midoriya! And if you did something to him, you did something to me!" He snapped. Making his way towards me.

"..I don't know what you're talking about Half n' Half, leave me alone.." I lied. I knew exactly what he was talking about, I didn't want to think about our past together..I had already recoiled and regretted everything I had ever done to him!

"You know what the fuck i'm talking about Bakugo! Don't play dumb! You bullied Midoriya, everyone knows this but, one thing not everyone knows is that you told him to kill himself!" I tried not to make my expression noticeable.

"..And?" I shrugged. He pushed me and I stumbled back. Gritting my teeth, I glared at him.

"Don't 'And' me! What if he actually did huh!? What would you do? To know you were responsible for another students death- especially if that student was one of your admirers!" I walked towards him, pushing him back just like he did me.

"You have no fucking right to put your filthy hands on me! Learn where the fuck you reside in the social chain!" I hissed.

"Yeah, Above you! Don't avoid the question! Answer it! Now!" He raised his voice at me, his smartass remarks just made me more irritated than before.

"What am I supposed to do!? Am I supposed to care!?" His eyes grew wide, his defense lowering.

"..You're an Asshole..No wonder Nobody likes you, wishing death on those who admire and looked up to you.." He grit his teeth. "You're just like the villains!" He stormed out of the bathroom, most likely going to find Deku.

"..." I looked down, clinching my fist. I never meant for anything to get this bad! I never meant for me to seem like a villain..

I was just a ignorant kid..and arrogant one..you can't blame that on me..right?

I sniffled, holding back a few tears trying to force their way put. It is rare for me to cry..so this..this caught everyone off guard.

Shitty hair, Dunce face, and Soy sauce face walked up to me. Shitty hair put his hand on my back.

"Woah man, are you..crying?" I smacked off his hand.

"No! Just..leave me alone.." I walked out the bathroom, furiously wiping my eyes.

Why was I such a dick?

I don't understand..Then again..I never do. I walked past Deku's dorm.

You could very clearly hear sobs coming from the room..

"Aghhhh!" A muffled scream came from the dorm, startling me a little more.

I brought my hand up to knock on his door but then hesitated and left.

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