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(Bakugo Katsuki's P.O.V)
"I like you.." Shitty hair looked at me. There seemed to be small sparks of hope but also sadness in his eyes.

"K-kirishima..I.." Did I just fucking stutter? What the hell..

No way Can I tell him that Fucking Deku is my lover. And has been for almost two months!

"I understand if you don't like me back! I just..I just want to do.." He slowly walked towards me.

But I couldn't move after noticing the wall behind me.


He suddenly connected his lips with mine, cupping his hands on my face.

I felt my cheeks heat up just a bit. Which i'm not sure if that was wrong or not because I already have someone.

Though, I have to admit. For somebody who's quirk is hardening, his lips were pretty soft. Though I shouldn't be thinking that!!

He stepped back a little, leaving me in a small trance.

"This.." His face was about the same color of his hair. He looked down in order to hide the blush on his cheeks but that backfired.

"..Kirishima.." I sighed. I didn't know what to say.

Out loud, I would never say he's my friend. But deep down, I consider him my best friend.

I don't like him as a lover. At the beginning of the year, I could say differently but now..I could say differently?

"..Sorry. That kiss was probably so sudden and out of nowhere so I-"

I cut him off with words I never thought I'd say.

"I like you too.." His eyes grew wide as he snapped his head back up at me so fast i'm pretty sure he cracked his neck..

"..R-really? So does that mean-"

I cut him off again. "But. Hear me out."

He frowned. "..I already have someone. So I can't date you and either way, I only like you as..a..friend.." I growled.

"..W-who.." I could tell he was heartbroken. I felt guilt pierce my heart strings. I don't understand why emotions have to exist.

"Deku. Me and Deku are lovers and have been secretly for almost two months. I'm sorry." He smiled.

"Ah..I see. Well, I hope the best for you two.." He walked away..well, more like slumped.

"Fuck!" I ran my hand through my hair as I slid down the wall. Guilt was tearing me apart, and I didn't know how to handle it since I don't usually feel sympathy for others.

Beside me, there seemed to be muffled cries. Or just noises, not sure.

"..." Not that it's my place to check. Who's dorm is that anyways?
The very next day, I waited for Deku at his dorm.

"..." I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around to see Deku.

Though, he seemed like he didn't get sleep yesterday and the fact that his hair was messier then usual.

He looked up at me, I looked into his eyes only to see that they were clouded with Sadness.



I narrowed my eyes. "What the fuck happened to you?"

"..." He walked past me, bumping shoulders with me. "Tch."

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