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(Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V)
"Mom!" I called out after getting back from school.

I didn't really want to stay in the dorms since people kept pestering me about my sucide attempt and the press keeps bothering me.

I don't understand why. It really wasn't that insteresting. Just a boy who's tired of his life and no longer wants to live it.

I took off my shoes and stepped further into the house. "Mom?!" I still didn't get an answer.

Oh well. She's probably at work or something..

Anyways, Today I kinda want to visit Kacchan..and Apologize to his parents because I am the cause of his coma so..

I slipped on a black long-sleeve shirt and blue jeans. I don't feel like wearing one of my All Might shirts or shorts..

It gets lame after a while. He gets lame after a while..

I walked back over to the door and slipped on my shoes. I ran out of the door and made my way to the hospital.

"Uh..What room is..Bakugo Katsuki in?" I had to correct myself from almost calling him 'kacchan'

Because not everyone knows that nickname. "..Room 177.." She gave me a smile as I walked off.

I didn't smile back..I just couldn't.

You're not really welcomed here! Should you really see him knowing this is all your fault?

I ignored the voice and made my way to the said room. "Hello?"

I opened the door slowly. Nobody was around or in the room. "Hmm.."

I quickly closed the door back and ran over to Kacchan. "..."

I bent down and looked at him. "So you really are in a coma.." I felt tears come to my eyes but they wouldn't fall.

"..I'm sorry.." I sighed poking at his arm.

"..I'm sorry. Because i'm the one who put you in this coma.."

I laid my head down on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"Kacchan.." I lowered my voice.

"..I love you.." I spotted something glistening in the dim light of the room.

"..huh?" I stood up and walked over to it. Getting closer, I see it was a clip board.

'Patient name: Bakugo Katsuki
Patient gender: Male
Patient Age: 16
Patient blood type: Unknown(?)
Allergies: None
Parents: Mitsuki and Masuru Bakugo

Synopsis: Patient was involved in a attempted sucide and in the process had gotten himself into a coma.

Extra: Patient only has one week until they are either moved or life support is cut off.

I re-read the extra part. "..Cut off? Moved!?"

I dropped the clip board, causing a loud high-pitched sound to ring throughout the room.

"..." I wanted to stop out of the room and demand what this was about but...

No way could I do that. I could be banned from the hospital or have security called for being so rude..


My eyes got wider as I heard him say my name or nickname I guess.


(A/N: I ran out of Ideas for this chapter eep 👁💋👁)

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