/New Year's Chapter\

536 14 3

(A/N: This has nothing to do with the current events in the story. And Happy new year to those who celebrate it!)
(Third person P.O.V)

Yaoyorozu and some other girls including Uraraka pranced up to the front of the class.

"Everyone!" Yaoyorozu clapped her hands and smiled big.

Everyone who didn't go up to the front looked at her. The teacher had gone to sleep earlier, leaving them to do whatever they wanted.

"I want to do something for New Year's! So! I want to throw a small New years party at my house!" She cheered along with some other people.

She started explaining details to the class about when and what they'd be doing.

"Tch, this sounds stupid.." Bakugo scoffed.

"That's not true Kacchan! It sounds fun!" Midoriya corrected him. Neither one of them were interacting with their friends and instead quietly talking with each other.

"The last party was fun..!!" He smiled. "Yeah..It was~" Bakugo remarked, a smirk on his face.

"A-ah! I..You! Why- that's- ugh!!" Midoriya laid his head down on the desk to hide his flushed face.

"Midoriya, are you sick?" Iida came over to them. "..N-No..Maybe..I don't know.."

"You should go to the nurse!!" He waved his arm. "..I-It's not that bad. Just..I'm dying.."

Bakugo flicked his forehead. "Overreacting."

"Bakugo! That was rude!!!" He reprimanded him, though it was useless because Bakugo just blocked out his voice.


"Bakubro!!" Kirishima jumped on his friend's back only to be pushed off immediately.

"WHAT!?" Bakugo looked back at his friends and yelled.

"Who are you going to kiss on New year's Eve tonight?" Mina jumped up and down like she was ready for something.

"What? Nobody.." He pushed past them and went to sit with everyone else in the commons room.

"Really? Don't you have the hots for Midoriya?" Kaminari gave him a thumbs up.

"WHAT NO! NOT THAT NERD!!" He yelled at him. Catching a few people's attention.

"Yeah sure..we've seen how you look at him, the way you blush slightly when he's around.." Kirishima spoke as if he was being sly. But in reality, he was about to get his face blown off.

"..." Bakugo flipped them off and ignored them. Casually pushing them away when they started to forget what personal space was.

Kissing..Deku? What the hell kind of tradition is that!?

Bakugo thought to himself.
- - - - - - - -
"Deku-kun!!" Uraraka came up to him.

"Will you be kissing anyone on midnight?" Asui put her finger on her bottom lip as if she was pondering something.

"W-what!? I-I don't think so..!" He waved his hands.

"Really? Kero, what about Bakugo-Chan?" Midoriya pulled on his finger nervously.

"W-what about k-kacchan?" Iida and Asui gave him looks of 'what the hell is wrong with you boy?'.

"Yeah guys? What about Bakugo?" Uraraka spoke up. "Are you not going to try and get close to him Midoriya?! We see the way you look at him!!" Iida waved his arms.

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