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(Shoto Todoroki's P.O.V)

"Is it me or has Deku-kun been acting weird?"

Uraraka fiddled with her fingers, looking up at me and Iida.

It wasn't just her that thought that,It was everyone. I knew what was wrong with him, he vented to me after all but..

I feel as if he didn't tell me anything, I don't know why but I just do. And it seems like Bakugo is doing something to him..

They've been hanging around each other more and more. Everytime Midoriya is with him or just leaving when they were hanging out, he'd look extremely sad.

I even caught him crying in the bathroom, Of course I helped him but he never opened up to me..

He's been neglecting everyone and has refused to eat..It really worries me. He is hurting inside..

And I can't do anything about it..Some friend I am..

"Yeah, he's been secluded from the world and just is actually worrying me!" Iida waved his hand around.

"M-maybe we should talk to him! He seems depressed!" Uraraka looked at him, sitting at his desk and just writing in his notebook.

I honestly wonder how it hasn't fallen apart yet..It is seriously burnt and kinda ripped.

I followed the two as they walked to Midoriya's desk. "Ne! Deku!" She drummed her finger on his desk.

"Hm?" He looked up, it wasn't visible unless you looked closely but there were bags under his eyes..

"W-wanna go to the park with us? Like..after school? It'd be really fun!" She smiled brightly.

"Sure...When after school?" He tilted his head my direction a little. "Uh..We can all just walk..together! There.."

She didn't sound too sure with what she was doing. She sounded more as if she was confused on what was going on.

"Okay..." He went back to writing in his book. Both friends walked away but I stayed.

"Midoriya.." I spoke up. He only hummed back in response, not looking up at me.

"Are you..Okay? By any chance if you need to talk, I'm here y'know.." I rubbed the back of my neck. He clinched his hand into a fist, dropping his pencil.

"Y-yeah! I'm good! Why wouldn't I be! Thanks!" He smiled. I could tell..he was trembling as if he was scared of something or..


(Izuku Midoriya P.O.V)

I lied..Again..

Liar, why won't you just tell anyone the truth?

To hell with you, you know exactly why..

Ha, Loser..

Tell me something I already don't know..

I scratched at my left arm. Scratching at the cuts I had inflicted upon myself yesterday..

The one day I decide not to wear bandages, mainly because I needed to save them and they itch..

"Izuku.." Kacchan poked me. I turned around, I could feel my heart beat speeding up and myself shaking.

"Why are you scratching yourself so much? Did you.." He glared. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

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