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(Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V)

If I had to speak truthfully, I was actually genuinely happy.

Happy that I had finally confessed to Deku after bottling up my feelings for so many years..

Happy that He actually became my boyfriend instead of turning me down like I did him..but..

I have a feeling he isn't..that he isn't happy..

I mean of course he's not happy, he's fucking depressed but..He seems to be sadder now that we're together..

He won't tell me what's wrong. As his 'mental helper' and Now boyfriend, it hurts that he doesn't seem to trust me with anything..

Everytime anyone ask whats wrong, he'd just change the subject..and I feel..that If I don't hurry up and change this..

Something really bad will happen to him..

Maybe i'm just overthinking and over worrying but..I can't help it..

I really am worried about him..

I kinda miss the old Deku..the one that was always cheerful and laughing..

What happened to the Deku I fell in love with?

Where did he go?

"Katsuki.." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up.

I had forgotten that I was home for the weekend, it didn't feel like it..

"What's wrong? You're not being a brat like usual.." I scoffed, poking at my food.

"Nothing..Just something on my mind.." Both of my parents looked at me.

"Yeah exactly, So what's wrong?" My mom frowned. "You haven't eaten any of your food.."

I sighed. "When was the last time you saw Deku? Like anywhere?" They looked at each other.

"Deku?" I grumbled under my breath.

"Izuku, when was the last time you saw Izuku!" The old hag thought about it, I could tell.

"Hmm..A few days ago at the mall..why?" She looked at me.

"Was he acting..weird? Or like emitting some kind of dark energy perhaps?" I put my chopsticks down and stopped poking at my food.

"..Oh yeah, now that you think about it, he was hiding his arms behind his back and seemed sadder than usual.." She nodded, a worried look plastered across her face.

"Fucking knew it! That son of a bitch!" I stood up from the table and started walking upstairs.

"Are you not going to eat!?" The old hag called out after me.

I walked back to the table. Picking up my food. "I'm eating this in my room, I have someone I need to fucking scream at!" I walked upstairs and to my room.

I got my phone off the charger and dialed Deku's number.

The phone picked up after a few minutes. "Kacchan?"


I could tell I probably hurt his ears since I could hear him whimpering over the phone.

"W-what?" He whined.

"What. Is. Wrong. With. You!? I'm actually worried! And i'm usually never worried!" I growled, eating a little of my food.

"Uh..My mom's calling me..! Bye Kacchan!" He hung up.

"FUCK!" I slammed my phone on the bed. He seemed to trust that icy-hot bastard and round face more than me.

I sighed, stuffing all my food in my mouth at once.

I swear, he makes me so frustrated!
(Izuku midoriya's P.O.V)
I hung up the phone on Kacchan. Something I regretted after doing.

I ran my hands through my head. To be honest, I wanted to tell him..I really did but..

Not now, Sure..we're dating but he hasn't earned all my trust back yet. If anything, I trust Todoroki more than I do Kacchan..

He doesn't even love me! There's something up and I need to find that out what!

"God..he's probably going to be pissed in the morning.." I sighed. My phone rung again, as he called me for the third time so far.

Don't answer it. He's not worth it..

I turned off my ringer and sound, just letting my phone ring but I couldn't hear it.

He doesn't care for you, he probably having a affair with someone else and is just using you as a decoy..! Idiot!

I rolled over in bed, putting the pillows I had over my ears.

No matter what I did, they wouldn't leave. They'd only leave if I do what they want..and in this case, it's sucide..

But even before I do that, I have a few things I want to do..see if I can be happy without having to die..

Because..I don't want to die..honestly..

I want to live..live with Kacchan and everyone else..but

If this doesn't work..then..

"Izuku!" My mom called me..like actually this time.

"Yeah!?" I answer back.

"Are you done eating!? If so, I can save it or.."

I forgot It was dinner..I forgot about my food..

You don't deserve any food you disappointment. By you eating food made by your mom, you're being a burden because she's wasting food you won't even eat!

"I'm done eating! I'm not hungry anymore!" I lied.

I was fat and ugly anyway..I needed to change..

That could start with stopping being so fat..simple start and it's innocent.

Just don't eat until he get skinny enough..

I really did need this..even my mirrors think I'm fat..

Good start..Then next, you can stop being such a hideous crybaby freak!

I frowned. That actually really hurt..I wasn't a freak..was I?

Maybe I am..That'd explain a lot of things..

Maybe too many..

(A/N: Next few chapters will feature pretty sad scenes and unfortunely real things that go on everyday behind closed doors. I will warn when it may get bad..May!)

Yo mom gay- MakiMaki
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