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(Shoto Todoroki's P.O.V)

I tapped my pencil on my desk. Currently, I was trying to study but it wasn't going as planned.

Everytime I tried to concentrate, Midoriya invaded my mind. Not..physically But y'know..like a thought.

Earlier Today..I can't get over the fact of how happy he looked..

Then just like that, he went from being extremly happy to secluded and sad again..

I really want to help in but..I don't know how..

He's obviously suffering..Suffering in more ways than one..and I'm a crappy friend because I can't do anything to help him..

"Tch.." I dropped my pencil. What the hell was I supposed to do about this!?

Should I go to All might? They seem pretty close..or just any of the other teachers?

"Deku..!" I heard voices outside of my room. "K-kacchan..Please! I said I was sorry! I won't do it again! That was earlier!"

I cracked the door and peeked out to see what was going on.

"You're such a bad liar! I just want to help you Deku!" I couldn't see them but I could hear..

Honestly, what is Bakugo's problem!? I don't understand why he has to hurt Midoriya like he does..He deserves better..

"You don't want to help me! You're only saying that because you found out!" Midoriya's sounded as if he was going to cry.

"Maybe that is what it is! But now that I know, let me help you!" Bakugo lowered his voice.

"Don't touch me! I-I don't need your help! I don't need anyone's help!" He screeched, then came a yelp of pain.

"Kacchan! Stop! Let go!" He gasped, fear filled his voice. I couldn't hear Bakugo's voice because it was barely audible but whatever he did made Midoriya cry..

I opened my door and ran out.

Midoriya sat on the floor, holding his arm as blood oozed out. "Midoriya!" He looked up, fear clouded his eyes.

The only thing was fear..besides that..his eyes were dull..

"T-todoroki-kun..?" He backed away from me. "Midoriya..what happened? What did Bakugo do.."

I reached my hand out for him but he smacked it away. "D-don't touch me!" He grunted.

"..What-" He stood up and ran away. I didn't run after him but only because it was obvious he wanted to be alone.

I clenched my fist. Was Bakugo the one who made him bleed like that? Why was he so scared of me? What the hell happened?!

Thoughts ran through my then they finally stopped at one.

"I need to intervene.." He spoke out loud, walking to find a teacher of some sort. No longer will I allow his emotions to pass by.

And in the process, I will stop Bakugo from hurting him!
(Katsuki Bakugo's P.O.V)
I walked away from Deku.

That was actually possibly our first arguement since we started dating..

And Once again, I hurt him..no wonder he's still scared of me. Or he is scared i'll expose his secret..

I kicked the wall. "Fuck!" I ruffled my hair. What was I supposed to do!?

He didn't want me to intervene but I just can't sit here and let my boyfriend..my classmate! Hurt himself!

He obviously needs help and I don't understand why he doesn't understand that.

As I was about to walk, I caught Deku running down hallway holding his arm.

"Hah!?" As I looked down, I notice that there was blood on the ground. Wait..he's bleeding?

I looked from where he came from to see Icy-hot standing there glaring at me. Did he fucking make him bleed!?

..No..I can't assume. I did grab his arms unnoticeably after all..maybe some of his cuts reopened..

God, I hope not but..if Fucking Icy-hot did hurt him..

I shook my head. "..Fuck..I need to intervene..like now.." I sighed.

Of some sort, I had to help him. I can't just keep going on acting like myself when knowing someone close to me is hurting and I can do something to help..

Which now that I look at it..That does seem..Out of chracter for me..but fuck it!

I walked quickly to find one of the teachers or even another student. Whether Deku liked it or not, he's going to get help and that's the last of it!
~~~~~~~~~<Next day>
(Izuku Midoriya's P.O.V)
Yesterday, I was almost found out. By Todoroki..

He doesn't know that I cut myself like Kacchan..and I'd rather him not know.

When Kacchan grabbed my arms, I think he reopened the cuts..in which he apologized for hurting me but didn't stay long enough to see me bleeding.

"So Deku-kun!" Uraraka smiled at me. "Hm?" I looked down at her, since she was a few inches shorter than me.

"If I were too invite you to a sleepover! Would you-" She was cut off by the intercom.

"Izuku Midoriya come to the principal's office..I repeat, Izuku Midoriya Come to the principal's office.."

I frowned. "Oh..What did you do Midoriya-kun?" Iida playfully nudged at my side.

"Hum..I'm not sure..but I should go there now.." I waved at them and walked to the principal's office.

Looks like someone got in trouble..

I scoffed at the voice in my head pestering me again. I opened the office door..

Kacchan, Todoroki-kun, All might, My mom, and..The principal were all standing there. "Huh?" I tilted my head.

"..Midoriya..We all need to have a talk.." The principal frowned. "About..your problems.."

I felt my smile fade. I started shaking as I closed the door behind me and walked further in.

Told you. You're in deep water now..should've not come her Izuku..

I had trouble swallowing..I'm sure..my fear was plastered on my face..

(A/N: Fufu~ Drama starts here! I may post another chapter tommarroww or not..most likely yes because it kills me not being able to write something since I love writing..)

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