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𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖑 1: 𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖆 𝕻𝖙 2

Walking aimlessly into what seemingly a vast expanse of jungle, the three friends had a lot of fun by scaring each other with flashlights and telling chilling ghost stories as they ventured deeper into the jungle. 

"Look! There's a bunny!" Soobin said excitedly as he shone his flashlight onto a furry white creature as it hopped passed them in the forest.

Chucking at their hyung's cuteness, both Beomgyu and Taehyun followed behind him as they walked through the thick blanket of forest.

"Where are we heading off to? Both of you told me that you have something to show me." Soobin asked as an excitement could be heard in his deep voice.

"Wait... We are nearly there soon." Taehyun said as a smirk plastered onto his face.

"Alright..." Soobin said with a tint of suspicion could be heard in his voice before continued to walk away, shrugging off of the chills that went down his spine.

Taehyun and Beomgyu smirked at each other as they had planned about the tallest one's demise in their mind. Carefully stepping into the forest to avoid the soft, loose soil that might cause them to slip and fall, they followed Soobin as he excitedly leaded the group like a puppy showing its master about things that it had found.

"Oh my God!" Soobin gushed as a few cute animals passed by them.

"Our plan." Taehyun mouthed to Beomgyu who nodded his head mutely in response, seeing how immersed Soobin was with the magnificent beauty of the forest at night. 

"This is so amazing!" Soobin gushed as he looked back and threw a grateful smile at his friends. "How do both of you even know about this place at all?!" 

"Well...." Taehyun trailed off before casting a guilty look at Beomgyu who only smiled cheekily back at his tall friend in return. 

"We sneaked out at night when you were immersed with your novels or encyclopedias or when you were knocked out from the activities!" Beomgyu said as he winked cheekily.

Shaking his head at his two rebellious friends, Soobin continued to trudge in the forest, hoping to find more amazing things for him to look and discover. Excitement coursed through his veins as he started to skip. Even if Soobin is a 6 foot tall giant, he always has a heart like a child, pure and innocent, the kind that you wanted to protect him from everything and anything that would cause him harm in any way. 

"THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!!"  Soobin squealed as he was in awe when he stepped in the heavy bushes. Little greenish yellow lights flew out from the greens in the forest, lighting up the dark, inky forest, illuminating the three friends' faces. Soobin shut off his flashlight as the other two followed in suite. 

"It's a firefly!" Soobin cooed as he caught one in his giant hands, carefully not to squish it and took a peek at the glowing insect. Meanwhile Beomgyu and Taehyun kept silent, waiting for their prank to work. 

Then, Soobin released the firefly from his giant hand and followed the light of the fireflies. His dark brown eyes twinkled with excitement and enthusiasm as the little lights surrounded him as if they were little stars that had fallen from the starry night sky to lead him. 

"According to one of the encyclopedias, fireflies live near a river if I am not mistaken!" Soobin murmured excitedly as he followed the fireflies giddily. Following their older friend, Beomgyu and Taehyun started to do a countdown in their heads. 

"1...2...3...4...5..-" Their countdown was interrupted as the sound of water rushing could be hear.

Stunned, Soobin stood idly as he was awestruck with the nature's magnificent beauty. Fireflies swarming around the river, making them to look like little lanterns floating and reminded him of a romantic scene from the Disney movie, Rapunzel, the part where Rapunzel and Flynn were putting  up their lantern in the middle of the lake, surrounded by thousands lit lanterns around them. 

Beomgyu then gave Taehyun a signal. Understanding, Taehyun nodded and held his three fingers up in the count of three.

3 fingers. 2 fingers and 1. 

Before Soobin could react, both of them had pushed Soobin into the icy cold river, creating a huge "Splash!", scattering the fireflies away. 

"H-help m-me! I-I c-can't s-swim!" Soobin yelled as he frantically tried to keep himself up from the surface of the water. 

"What do you mean by you can't swim? For Christ's sake, Soobin, you're a literally giant!" Taehyun stated, rolling his eyes as he crossed his arms. 

"T-The c-current's-s t-too s-strong!" Soobin shouted as he tried to get a hold of the rock. 

Beomgyu rolled his eyes and sighed before massaging the sides of his temples. 

"Don't prank us like that, Soobin! It's not even funny! It's just a prank by the way!" Beomgyu bursted as he had enough of Soobin's constant calls and pleas for help. 

"I-I can't! Can't y'all see for a freaking minute?!" Soobin shrieked as he desperately held on the rock. Anxiety and dread consumed him as the strong currents were trying to push him away, causing him to unable to swim. 

"Soobin, you are going to learn on how to swim!" Taehyun let out a long sigh and closed his eyes before turning away, his back facing Soobin. 

"YOU KNOW I CAN'T SWIM FOR GOODNESS' SAKE!" Soobin yelled as he shivered at the icy and cold sensation of river water. 

"NOW, IT'S YOUR TIME TO LEARN! DON'T COME BACK TO TAEHYUN AND ME UNTIL YOU CAN SWIM BACK TO US!" Beomgyu yelled before turning away just like what Taehyun did minutes ago, crossing his arms across his chest.

Warm tears began to fill into Soobin's eyes as he watched his friends would not help but insisting him that he should learn swimming in the current that was too strong and over his abilities and the fact that Soobin could not even swim due to aquaphobia- the fear of waters. He could feel his grip on the rock became weaker and weaker second by second. Gritting his teeth, Soobin held and tried to haul his upper body on the rock. Then, his grip on the rock, slipped causing him to swirl along in the rapid, merciless current of river water. 

"HELP! BEOMGYU! TAEHYUN!" Soobin shouted as he was being thrashed around and around in the inky currents. 

Sighing, Beomgyu and Taehyun threw back a sentence, ignoring Soobin's pleas for their help. 

"We will meet you back at our cabin." Taehyun said icily before walking along with Beomgyu. 

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