𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚

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"Yes!" Three of them cheered as the yellow light flashed, indicating that they could finally open the electrical switch. 

"So now what?" Namjoon asked, pretending to be curious while in the back of his mind, a dark plan was already planned to execute one of them for his own life.

"Look!" Taehyun pointed an orange highlighted object. "Follow the highlighted object because it indicates that it is our exit."

"We should get going now before the Hunter caught up with us." Hoseok said before sprinting with Taehyun in the lead. 

As they were running through the maze of walls, a voice spoke up.

"My, I am so lucky today for having three Survivors straight away!" 

As all of them turned around, their eyes widened.

"T-Taehyung?!" All of them gasped as they saw their friend whose body was tilted on one side and his body was littered with bruises and gashes. There was some crimson red blood dripping from his wounds and fell on the ground. A sinister and malicious smile plastered on Taehyung's face. 

"Hi. You thought that I am dead but I am not." Taehyung said before flashing a creepy smile. 

"And I am here to capture you." 

That one sentence was enough to send Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyun shivers down their spines. Three of them gave each other a look. Run.

Hoseok, Namjoon and Taehyun immediately dashed far, far away from Taehyung who only gritted his teeth and ran after them. 

"Get back here! Aren't you my best friends?" Taehyung asked as Taehyun vaulted over a lower wall, followed by Namjoon and Hoseok. 

"GUYS! I FOUND THEM!" Taehyung yelled, frustrated as he could not vault over the wall faster. 

"Shit." Was all of them muttered as they ran and ran through the graves. 

"I think we s-" Before Taehyun could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by another familiar voice.

"Y-you a-are n-not g-going t-to l-leave m-me a-alone, a-are y-you?" Beomgyu questioned as his pale lips pouted. His usual warm brown eyes that always shine energetic had gone into a pair of lifeless, pit black stone cold eyes.

Hoseok's eyes widened and then flashed towards Taehyun who was conflicted with all of the emotions he felt. Taehyun stood in shock, his lips wide agape and his dark brown eyes were brimming with tears. His heart broke, seeing the state his best friend was in. 

"Hobi hyung, you promised my sister that you will bring me back home..." Beomgyu pouted, an upset expression crossed over his features. 

"You can't break a promise, y'know." 

Hoseok gulped as he felt his heart raced faster. Namjoon who was standing behind Hoseok and Taehyun, lowered his face, causing a sinister smile crossed across his face. All he had to do was to push one of them and he will be freed. 

"You're not the Beomgyu I know and love." Taehyun said, trying to sound firm but failed to do so.

"Oh, really?" The zombie Beomgyu tilted his head like a puppy. "But I know you a lot, Taehyun."

"If you can prove me that you're the Beomgyu I know and love, you will go with us. If not, you have to let all of us go." Taehyun said, his eyes glinting hard at Beomgyu.

A shiver ran down Hoseok's spine as he heard the words that left the younger's lips. 

"Taehyun, are you crazy?! You're going to get us killed!" Hoseok shouted. Taehyun only shot a "Don't-worry-I-know-what-am-I-doing" look towards him. 

"Alright. This sounds like a great deal." Beomgyu grinned as one of his eyes flashed crimson red. 

"Let's shake hands to seal the deal so I know that you're not wimping out." 

Beomgyu reached his decayed hand out and Taehyun tried really hard not to gag at the sight of it. There were living maggots eating his flesh and some part of the bones could be seen. Taehyun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. 'It will only be a few seconds.' Taehyun thought as he tried to reassure himself.

"Fine. You got yourself a value deal." Taehyun said as he reached his hand towards Beomgyu's deformed hands. Bile rose at the back of Taehyun's throat but he forced it down as he shook hands with Beomgyu. Beomgyu flashed him a lopsided smile, causing Taehyun to fake one ahead. He tried his best not to gag and feel the sensation of little worms attacking his skin. 

Beomgyu retrieved his hands away, causing Taehyun to let out a sigh of relief. Taehyun then shook his hands off to get rid of the flesh eating beings away from his hands but he frowned when he saw that some part of his hand was damaged. 

"Question or I will bring you to the Hunter." Beomgyu said sternly as his eyes were looking at them. 

"Who is the person that I looked up the most and why?" Taehyun asked, feeling his heart beated faster. He was pretty sure that the actual Beomgyu would know, considered the amount of times he had mentioned him before.

"Leonardo Da Vinci. He was an artist, mathematician, scientist, musician and botanist back in the Renaissance. You always admired how talented he was and your favourite drawing from him the most is Mona Lisa." 

Taehyun shook his head firmly and pressed both of his lips tight.

"Wrong. I always look up to the mathematician, Gauss because he is a genius and I admire him for his achievements on academic boundaries and not tied traditional customs of reformative solutions." Taehyun answered. 

"What?! No!" Beomgyu roared and stomped his feet childishly. "NO!NO! YOU LIE TO ME! DID YOU?"

"No. Why should I lie to you, Beomgyu? If you're the real Beomgyu, you would know who I actually look up to." Taehyun answered calmly as he crossed his arms over his chest. 

"Now, you have to own up to your own side of deal and let us go." Taehyun said. 

"FINE!" Beomgyu huffed and Taehyun smiled, knowing that he had won. 

Just as Namjoon walked past Beomgyu, his eyes flashed a crimson red and a furious expression on his face. 

'What should I do now, master?' Beomgyu mind linked to Yeonjun who was watching Namjoon through Beomgyu's eyes. 

'Follow them quietly. I will call the others to go to the door.' Yeonjun said as Beomgyu nodded and began to follow three of them silently. 

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