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The journey to the Seoul Hospital was in an utter silence. Even, the group's mood maker, Hoseok sunk into deep silence as he kept thinking  of what Beomgyu and Taehyun had done. He could not believe it. No matter how many times he tried to erase the horrid visions, he could still hear Soobin's cries and pleas for help as they turned their backs on him.

Tears brimmed his eyes and Hoseok closed them, a shaky breath exhaled from his pink lips. The others were also in the mixture of confusion, anger, disappointment and sadness.

Soobin "sat" between Namjoon and Hoseok, looking around the surroundings of the car. An unbearable silence and high tension filled the car. The only should you could hear is the robotic masculine voice from Jimin's phone  directing Jungkook to go to the hospital.

Soon enough, they had arrived at the hospital. Jungkook stopped at the entrance of the large hospital and looked at his friends.

"We don't have much time now. The journey from our place till here had took one hour and fifteen minutes. We don't have any much time left. If you don't want Beomgyu or Taehyun to die, go now. I will drive around the hospital, just call me and I will pick up at my fastest speed." Jungkook ordered, his hands clenching on the sides of the steering wheel.

"Thanks, Jungkookie." Hoseok thanked as he was the last to get down from the car. As soon as Hoseok shut the door, Jungkook dashed off, not wanting to cause a long line in front of the hospital. All of them rushed  towards the counter, pushing through the little crowd of visitors away.

"Good afternoon, sir. How may I help you?" The nurse asked in a clipped tone as she looked up from the computer.

"We are looking for someone. We are in a hurry!" Jimin asked urgently, as he used his puppy eyes to beg the nurse.

The nurse's hard gaze softened at the sight of Jimin's teary puppy eyes. For a moment, her heart shattered at his broken look. She inhaled a sharp breath and proceeded to ask.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Soobin. Choi Soobin." Namjoon piped in.

"Wait a moment." The nurse replied while proceeded to type in the patient's name. Three of them clutched on the edge of the counter as the nurse furrowed her eyebrows and looked through the files.

"Oh. He is in Level 5, Instensive Care Unit, 361B Unit. He has been in coma for about past three or four years." The nurse looked up, then flashed a pity smile at them.

"May I ask what are your relations with the patient? Never in these few years, I have seen anyone visit him. Everyone had  assumed that his parents are dead or left him to his own care. Poor child. He was drowned and luckily, some of the foreign campers found him and brought him here. " The nurse continued.

"We are his cousins." Namjoon lied as he took out his phone and showed the nurse a picture of twelve of them smiling together at the sun.

The nurse nodded as she took the files and organised it.

"Go now. You don't have much time. You have 30 minutes left." The nurse began to speak weirdly, causing all of them confused and shocked that she knew.

Then, a sudden realisation struck them as they noticed how the nurse's warm honey brown orbs had became crimson bloody red orbs. A sinister smile plastered on her sweet yet delicate face. All the boys shivered in fear as the nurse smirked before saying.

"30 minutes and your friend..."

Then, a vision appeared and it was Beomgyu holding onto his dear life as his neck was being squeezed by some invisible force, his hands struggling to claw the force off, but ended up scratching his neck.

"Your friend... Will die.." Then, as quick as lightning, the ghost disappeared, leaving the nurse puzzled.

Without a single word, they all ran to the lift, pressing on Level 5. The lift closed as three of them panted.

"Oh no, what should we do next?" Hoseok questioned as he looked at Jimin and Namjoon.

"We will go to Soobin's room and let his soul to go back to his body, secure the bond. Then, Hoseok, you have to give the clothes to him. Jimin, call Jungkook as soon as Soobin is changing." Namjoon said, details all planned out in his IQ of 148 brain.

"That's all? What about the doctors?!" Jimin said, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

"Then, we run?" Namjoon said but the statement came out more like a question instead.

"Ugh, this is not help-"

Just then, a "ding" from the lift had signalled that they have reached Level 5. Taking a deep breath, they turned right into Intensive Care Unit with ease.

"Room 361B... Room 361B." Hoseok muttered as he passed by each room.

"357, 358, 359, 360..." Jimin uttered as he ran side by side with his hyungs.

"Room 361!" Namjoon said, immediately walking into the room that labelled B.

As Namjoon's hands touched the door knob, a cold mist immediately surrounded them.

Then, the mist dissipated, revealing a familiar man. With his dimples that were identical to Soobin's, it is no doubt that Mr Choi had been waiting for them.

He yawned and stretched as he looked at 3 of them with careful, prey like eyes.

"Finally, you're here! Now that, you're here. In order to get to Soobin's body, you need to solve the riddle first." Mr Choi said.

"What riddles?! We don't have time for this mockery!" Jimin yelled as his hands were clenched into fists by his side.

"Aw, Jiminie is upset~" Mr Choi cooed, then his expression hardened.

"Solve the riddle or both of your friends will die. Simple?" Mr Choi explained as he snapped his fingers.

"Fine! We will solve your fricking riddles!" Jimin grumbled as he stomped both of his feet on the ground childishly.

"Not so fast!" Mr Choi said as he pointed at Jimin who was still sulking.

"Stop being mad and I will give you the riddles."

Unable to do anything, Jimin groaned as he put on his best poker face and crossed his arms across his chest.

Mr Choi smirked before opened his mouth and continued in a sing-song voice.

"Here's your riddle:
You measure my life in hours
And I serve you by expiring,
I am quick when I am thin,
I am slow when I am fat,
The wind is my enemy.

Guess what am I?"

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jimin only could opened their mouths in shocked as the riddle was finished. A confused expression adorned Hoseok's features as he scrunched his eyebrows while thinking.

" What is fast when thin but slow when fat? It does not even make sense at all!" Jimin yeleld, throwing his hands up.

"Quit whining and solve the riddle already!" Hoseok said as he struggled to think.

Namjoon who had been thinking so long, immediately answered:

"Is it fire?!" He asked.

Mr Choi only shook his head and smiled.

"Wrong. Try again. You only have two choices."

Frustrated, Jimin yelled and flipped the chairs up.

Just then, Hoseok's phone rang.

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