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Opening their eyes in fear, everyone shot up and looked around in the dark room. 

"Beomgyu! Taehyun!" Jimin frantically called out the two youngest's names, fearing that something harm would hurt them. 

"H-hyung..." A weak voice sounded, causing both Jimin and Taehyung immediately scrambled to grab their phones and switched on the flashlights. 

Gasps and shrieks of horror emitted out off their mouths as Beomgyu and Taehyun had bruises and scratches all over their bodies. There were even spots of crimson red blood dotted around their lips. There was a giant purplish bruise formed around Taehyun's neck. They were all sprawled around the places. 

Hoseok's heart sank as his mind was processing what Soobin had said in their vision earlier. How could a sunshine like Beomgyu and a wise and mature person like Taehyun would do this to their friends? 

Hoseok, Jin and Jimin found themselves frozen in fear as they were trying to process all of the information earlier in their mind. The game they were playing- is seeking for absolute revenge for what they had did. They only came back to reality when Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook were unable to access to Taehyun and Beomgyu who were pleading and calling for help. Three of the older boys were shouting as they continued to pound on the invisible barrier that separated them with two young boys who were severely injured.

"Hobi hyung, Jin hyung and Jimin, help!" Taehyung called out as he knocked on the barrier hurriedly. 

"T-Taehyung h-hyung...." Taehyun managed to groan out as he blindly lifted a hand towards Taehyung's direction. Taehyung's heart broke as Taehyun called his name out in a broken voice. 

Beomgyu who seemed to gain consciousness from the severe blow on his head. He let out a groan of pain as he struggled to sit up straight. A gush of liquid flowed out from the gash on his head as he sat up. Curious, Beomgyu reached up and touched the warm liquid. He gasped as he had realised that the warm liquid was crimson red blood coming from his gash. 

"Beomgyu hyung..." A familiar soft voice called for him. Beomgyu's eyes widened at Taehyun's beaten up state. Taehyun was trying to breathe in lungfuls of oxygen but eventually, choking onto them due to the bruise on his neck. Tears of fear brimmed Beomgyu's eyes as he moved closer to Taehyun, gripping his cool hand into his.

He looked around and saw that his hyungs were banging on the wall. Thinking that it was a joke, Beomgyu yelled out to them as tears of fear and panic eventually streamed down his cheeks.

"HYUNGS! STOP PLAYING! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!" Beomgyu shouted as he scrambled to where the hyungs were pounding on the invisible wall. All of a sudden, a force field pushed Beomgyu away, causing the back of his head hit the back of the wall harshly. Another fresh wave of blood flowed from the back of his head and down his neck, staining his white t-shirt.

A moan of pain ellicted from Beomgyu as he pressed the wound tightly. Closing his eyes, Beomgyu's breathing became ragged and came in short pants.

Eyes widened with horror, Jin started to run to the door of the lounge room and opened it. To his dismay, the door was somehow locked from the outside. Jimin, Jungkook and Namjoon had thought of ways to get through the invisible air barrier to get to both Beomgyu and Taehyun before it was too late.

"HOW DID YOU BREAK THIS DAMN THING?" Jimin yelled as he had been pushing and banging on the air for a few minutes.

"HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW? NAMJOON HYUNG, DO YOU HAVE ANY ANSWER?" Jungkook shouted as he peered at Beomgyu and Taehyun who were currently fighting for their lives.

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