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"My last words?" Jin said, panting a little due to the pain all over his body. 

"Yes. Your last words." Soobin/Yoongi said as he lifted Jin's body up by his collar and stared pointedly at the person he hated the most. 

"My last words...... I am sorry, Yoongi. I really am. I am not doing it on purpose, I swear. Plus, it is a necessity for me. Please, please forgive me. Please let me live, Yoongi. You're my best friend and you know me for life." Jin begged, his voice was a little hoarse. 

"Best friend? Since when does a best friend betray then kill them for their own selfish needs, Seokjin hyung? I was there for you every single time when your parents threw you out of your house. I was there for you when you cried about how you were not as good as your older brother. I even bloody picked your stupid call at my busiest hour, which was 2 freaking in the morning just because you got drunk and wasted in parties and clubs. I provided you my place to stay when your parents kicked you out of the house due to anger. Is that how are you supposed to treat me, Kim Seokjin when I had done so, so much for you?" Yoongi/Soobin said, his voice strained as the emotions got the best of him. Tears of sadness streamed down his face as he spoke.

"I- Yoongi-" Before Jin could say anything, Yoongi then continued emotionally. 

"You always want me to be there for you when things in your life gone wrong... What about me, Seokjin? Where are you when I need you the most? What about the time I lost my job as a waiter in a cafe because you kept asking me to fetch you when you were drunk? What about the day where my father passed away? I asked you to be there. Instead, you went out and slept with some cheerleader!" Yoongi yelled. 

"I'm sorry, Yoongi! I have always thought that your life is perfect because you have so much freedom and did not care about anything!" Jin yelled, tears spilling all over his face. 

Every single person in here was shook and speechless as they watched how everything happened in the screen in front of them. Hoseok's eyes widened as he could not stomach the fact that how much betrayal that his other best friend did to his best friend ever. He wondered how many other dirty secrets that his other friends had done. 

"So long, Seokjin. You already had your last word." Yoongi/Soobin said, his red eyes flashing. 

"N-no! N-no! Y-Yoongi, d-don't!" Jin yelled but it was too late. 

Yoongi had produced a long sharp knife out of no where. His merciless red eyes that were full of anger, revenge and fury flashed a bright red as he raised the sharp knife onto Jin's neck. 

"After this, my soul will be at peace." Yoongi muttered but it did not go unnoticed by everyone in the room. Without waiting for any moment, his hard, merciless red eyes flashed bright red, his teeth grinding to each other and his grip on the knife turned tighter. 

In a moment, Jin's head fell on the ground with a loud "thud". Crimson red blood was flowing from where his head was connected to his neck, staining his white shirt. Meanwhile Jin's eyes were widened in fear and his lips were opened wide agape. 

A roll of nausea hitted Hoseok as he watched Yoongi let out a growl while continuously stabbing Jin's headless body with the knife. Yells of anger and fury were all directed to all one person who they all looked up. 

"J-Jin h-hyung." Jungkook yelled as tears streamed down his face. 

"Jin!" Namjoon yelled, his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Eomma Jin-" Taehyun choked in between his sobs and Taehyung did not say anything, instead he pulled the younger boy closer to his body and tears of grief streaked down his face. 

"You know what?! I am done! I am so done with this stupid game!" Jimin shouted as he kicked the iron bars with all his might. 

"I am done! Done! Done!" 

Just then, Yoongi/Soobin stopped stabbing Jin's body which had became a bloody mess now, dropped the knife and fell onto his knees. Soobin then clutched his head and started to yell in pain as Yoongi left the body. As he was leaving the body, he became his normal self, looked like a human for once. 

"It's over. It's over." He said as he slowly disappeared in thin air.

"S-Soobin?" Namjoon called out as his hand tried to reach out to the boy who was still clutching his head and yelled in pain.

All of a sudden, Soobin collapsed. 

"HE'S A MURDERER! THAT THING THERE IS GOING TO KILL US ALL!" Jimin yelled as he fisted his brown hair, making it even more messy. 

"SHUT THE HELL UP, JIMIN! WE LOST BEOMGYU AND NOW, JIN HYUNG! CAN YOU BE A MAN FOR ONCE?! THOROUGH THIS ENTIRE DAY, YOU HAD BEEN WHINING AND WHINING FOR NON STOP! KEEP YOURSELF TOGETHER! YOU SHOULD THANK GOD THAT TAEHYUN IS STILL WITH US!" Taehyung shouted for the first time ever since Beomgyu had died. Taehyun could only whimpered and clutched his hyung's hands as he cried, remembering how his best friend had been killed.

"Kim Taehyung, who are you to tell me to shut up? I am your hyung! You should respect me! Y-" Before Jimin could say anything, he fell on the ground with a thud. 

"Wait, what is happening?!" Jungkook asked as he watched both Taehyung's  and Taehyun's eyes closed in sync. 

"I-I d-don't k-know, J-Jungkook." Namjoon trailed off, as the feeling of sleep threatened to take over him. "I-I d-don't know w-why I-I am s-so s-sleepy a-all of a sudden."

That was when Jungkook had realised. 


"I'm sorry, Jungkookie. I am too tired. I need to sleep." Namjoon mumbled before giving in to sleep. "Hobi hyung had fallen asleep."

His big doe eyes were widened with fear as he struggled to keep his eyes up. The next level will be on him. To punish him gravelly for what he did. As Jungkook struggled to keep his eyes open, then an invisible hand slowly yet forcefully closed his eyelids.

"M¥ Ðêår Jµñgkððk h¥µñg, ï† ï§ †ïmê £ðr ¥ðµ †ð ßê þµñï§hêÐ £ðr ¥ðµr wrðñg§ †ð mê."

Just like that, he was forced to close his eyes just like others.

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