Chapter 1: The Rain Brings the Past

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Along with spring comes the stormy season. Skies that are usually sunny and blue become masked over by a thick veil of dense gray clouds, the sun becoming choked out. Flashes of silver lightning drunkenly stagger across the charcoal welkin, illuminating the angry sky. Low grumbles follow closely in pursuit, vibrating the earth as the growls frighten small children. The wind becomes wicked and shrill, howling like a lost hound at night as it runs between the buildings. All is eerie and bone-chilling, but what truly has my attention is the rain.

It falls from the heavens like a million little fragmented jewels that have been spilled. They land on the earth, glistening in the faint light as passing cars splash through the puddles. It's a sight I've seen a million times before, but this time, I feel sick upon lifting my stare to the view.

Images and memories from the past rush through my mind, taunting and torturing me as I sit on the ground, fighting my best to ignore the lump forming in my throat. With my hands balled into fists, my nails digging into my palms, I do my best to suppress the hollow feeling that's trying to claim my chest, but it's in vain. In the end, no matter how hard I fight, I know I stand no chance. Regardless of how hard I swing at these emotions, there is no winning.

Because, after it's all said and done, my heart never moved on.

Like the love-drunk idiot, it is, it has remained loyal and fixated on him after all this time. Even after the last meeting with him, it continues to swell upon thinking about him. Then again, it doesn't help that my imagination runs wild with all the possibilities and 'what if's?'. What if he had known? What if we had stood up to our parents? What if he had never left? What if I had my own choice? I can sit and dwell for hours, but no matter how many times I ask those questions, they will remain merely as they are. As 'what if's?' left with no true answers.

Maybe that's what's the sourest part about it all. In the end, there was no true closure. There was just me, locked in a room, sobbing. No one was there to comfort me. My siblings were too trapped under our parents' rule to reach out to me, so they just ignored me. Dr. Itchi had completely shut me down and wouldn't let me even write a letter to Kaito. My parents saw me as a disgrace and decided it was best to hide me away like I was some embarrassment to be around. And Kaito...he had no idea.

He never knew because my parents and Dr. Itchi all made an executive decision for me. For us. There was never a say for me...for us. I-we-just had to swallow it all and do as they said. And in the end, that was what happened. Kaito and Dr. Itchi moved to England, Kaito going with the belief and misguidance that it was to better his future and I was left alone. No one was in my corner. No one dried my tears. No one did anything. Not for me, anyway.

And that was how it ended. Just like that. He was here and then gone, and my life was forever changed. And I broke. I broke into a million little pieces, but they weren't done damaging me.

With my heart already broken, they went and broke it even more. No asking or considering my feelings. There was just the pristine L/N (your last name) image to uphold. And that was exactly what they did. They wiped all evidence of their daughter's recklessness away until there was nothing left. Nothing but a hollow shell of what once was.

It took a long while, but I eventually pulled myself out of that dark place but seeing Kaito has reawakened everything I did my best to tidy up. After three years of fighting against the current known as those memories, he's back. He's here and he's engaged. He's engaged to another and progressing in his life. He wears no battle scars of the hell from that time. He has no idea how bad it was. If he did, would he be moving on as he is? Would he be marrying someone else? I honestly don't know. All I know is that it's raining and that leaves me to wonder.

Is someone thinking about me?

Is he thinking about me?

**Ello my wonderfully awesome lovelies! The first official chapter is here! Quite the opening, huh? I am so excited to see where this goes. It'll be a grand ole time! So, stay tuned and enjoy the ride! As always, thank you so much for all your support! Y'all are the bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Be Somebody" by Thousand Foot Krutch

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