Chapter 3: Dreaming of Hell

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"This is utterly unacceptable and disgraceful," she spat, her sharp glare pinning me to where I sat. "What in the hell were you thinking? Were you even thinking?"

Her words were shrill and keen, slicing through me like a knife through butter, causing me to avert my eyes. The heft of her stare made me feel like I was being weighed down by ice, causing my heart to race vigorously against my ribs; all of it made me feel like a mere child. But I dared not to meet those orbs. I dared not to because I knew I'd see it all...every ounce of anger, disappointment, and frustration.

"You are a disgrace, Y/N," she continued harshly. "You are dragging the L/N name through the mud. You do realize that, don't you? You are embarrassing this family."

I sank lower into my seat, feeling her eyes bore into me. The atmosphere was thick and heavy with tension. Then again, that was nothing new. After all, I was the black sheep of the family. What would make that moment any different?

"Are you listening to a damn thing I'm saying Y/N?" YM/N growled. "Do you realize what this scandal could cause? This could ruin your father and I's reputations, let alone Dr. Itchi's. Let's not forget Kaito's future. Do you know what this could do to everyone around you? You're ruining so many lives with your recklessness."

Guilt washed over me. I was overwhelmed by the guilt that YM/N was pressing against me, but I believed she was right. I had been stupid and reckless and because of that, I was about to ruin so many people's lives. At least, that was what I believed to be the truth.

"Honestly, of all the stupid things you've done, this tops it all," she huffed, massaging her temples. "I raised you better than this. Your father and I both raised you better than this. Tch. You've failed us."

With trembling lips, I mumbled, "I-I'm sorry, M-Mom. I...I wasn't thinking."

"No surprise there," she scoffed, the heels of her shoes knocking at the floor as she approached me. "Lucky for you, your dad and I have connections in the States." She reached me, her fingers cuffing my chin forcefully as she tilted my head, forcing me to meet her gaze. "Your dad and I will take care of all of it. All you need to do is be a good girl and do as we say. Understood?"

Her ym/e (your mother's eye color) orbs were filled with so much coldness, the disappointment still drifting at the surface of them. It was that coldness that caused chills of fear to dart the length of my spine. Fear of being a disobedient girl. Fear of being thrown away like trash.

So, I nodded, swallowing, "Y-yes, Mom. I understand."

"Good," she said dryly, releasing her hold on me. "I need to make a few calls. Stay here until I come to get you. Your father, Dr. Itchi, and I all would like to have a more...formal word with you." She began to walk away, adding, "Stay."

My eyes dart open, my heart hammering against my sternum as I gasp, breathing hoarsely in attempts to catch my breath. A small wave of anticipation and fear washes over me in my sleepy state. However, as the grogginess begins to melt away, I realize that I am not in the presence of my mother, but all alone. I'm completely alone in my dark bedroom. Just me, myself, and I with nothing but the shadows.

Still, as my eyes scan the empty darkness of the night which surrounds me, I am left trembling. That stirred so much within me. So much of the past was trying it's best to taunt and haunt me. Is trying taunt and haunt me, rather. Every last bit of it. It's all trying to get to me. Well, it's all succeeding, because now, all I can see is YM/N's icy ym/e eyes glaring at me.

So, I sit up, drawing my knees to my chest, still trembling. I want my heart to calm down. I want the quivering to disburse. I want to just calm down. That's all. However, I am not lucky. As the darkness continues to hover over me, all I can think about is my mother.

And tears begin to well in my eyes.

**Ello my awesome lovelies! Well, what'd y'all think about that? Any idea what that dream was all about? Feel free to take a guess! As always, thank you so, so much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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