Chapter 31: Conditions

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~Yato's POV~

"Here again?" Tenjin asks, making his way toward me.

I glance up from the pebbles, watching as he approaches. The soles of his shoes crunch the little stones, shifting them beneath his weight with each step he takes. His eyes are locked on mine, the corners of his lips slightly pulled up into a faint smile. He stops in front of me, his hands snuggly hidden in his sleeves.

"What brings you here again?" he presses, lifting a brow. "You only hide here when something is bothering you. What is the matter?"

Observant as ever. I snort internally, rolling my eyes. I take one of the pebbles into my hand and begin to fidget with it. It's smooth in my clutch, but it's still not enough to distract my mind. Not right now.

"Yato," Tenjin continues. "What's the matter? Yukine has expressed that he's worried about you." His expression shifts into suspicion. "Are you in trouble again?"

I shake my head. "No. Nothing like that."

"Then what has you in a slump?" he questions.

The God of Academics. That's Tenjin's role. But he's also one of my oldest friends. Well, I call him that. He has always talked to me and we get along. So, I guess that makes us friends.

"Yato, say it," Tenjin sighs. "We both know you want and have something to say. So, just say it."

Unsure of how else to go on, I huff, "I'm going to perform the Blood Root Ceremony tomorrow night."

"Oh? So, she's going to go through with it after all," he says. "I must say, I'm surprised. She's okay with it?"

I ball my hands into fists. "Yeah. Yeah, she is."

I can feel his stare train onto me. I can feel him trying to read me, but I've already dropped my stare, working to hide from him. Easier said than done when the God of Academics is before you. He can piece together almost anything quickly.

"You're lying," he replies. "Yato, you never told her, did you?"

"How could I?" I burst, turning to him. My heart is hammering against my ribs while my breathing is hoarse. I continue, "How could I tell her that? All she wants is answers. All she wants is to freakin' figure out who she is. Is it too much to let her just have that?"

Tenjin meets my eyes, shrugging, "Of course, not. She deserves to know who she is as much as anyone else. However, she also deserves to know the conditions of this."

I can feel myself throwing daggers at him with my eyes. "Those are your conditions, not the ceremony's."

He lets out a sigh and closes his eyes. Technically, I know what he's thinking, but I don't want to admit it. Admitting it would be like accepting some sense of defeat. And I'm already feeling defeated enough.

"Those are good terms, Yato and you know that," Tenjin continues, opening his eyes once again. "Those are needed terms, especially in this case. If this ceremony is performed and the results are that this young woman is a human, then she needs this."

"Who are you to decide that for her?" I snap, my nostrils flaring.

A serious expression masks him as he sighs, "I'm not deciding anything for her. I simply laid out a condition. A very simple and much-needed condition, Yato. One that you failed to mention to her. One that she deserves to know just as much as she deserves to know who she is and in turn, this is all her decision to make. Not yours and not mine. Hers." His features soften. "Neither of us can change nor control that. Do you understand?"

That overwhelming sense of defeat is trying to creep up on me. It wants to crash down over me, but I am fighting my best to resist it. But I'm losing. I can feel myself losing. I don't want to lose.

"I know this is difficult for you," he breathes. "I understand that. However, you know she deserves the whole truth about this. Don't you agree?"

I hesitate, but huff, "Yeah. Yeah, I guess."

"So, when are you going to tell her?" he presses.

Defeated, I swallow, "Tomorrow. I'll tell her tomorrow. She can decide then if it's really what she wants."

I can feel him once again trying to scan me, but I'm trying to block him out. I don't want to talk about this anymore. I don't want to talk about her anymore. However, her face flashes through my mind. Those beautiful e/c orbs...her luscious h/c hair...that soft s/c (your skin color) skin of hers. All of it is beautiful and amazing, but of all her features, none is more alluring than her smile. That pure and happy smile that is almost infectious...that warms my heart...that makes me want to smile from ear to ear.

But I can't smile right now.

"Very well," he huffs. There's a moment of silence before he adds, "If it's any consolation, Yato...I do hope that this all plays out in your favor. After all, I know how much it hurt when you had to do the same with Hiyori and I'd hate to see you go through that a second time."

I chew my lips and nod, "Me, too. Me, too."

Can I make a wish that I don't have to go through that again?

**Bello lovelies! Well, a little Yato POV again. Figured we'd throw another one of those out there lol. But...that said...any guesses as to what'll happen? Hmm? Lol feel free to let me know! As always, thank you oh, so freakin' much! You da bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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