Chapter 45: The Blood Root Ceremony

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**This chapter contains content that some readers may find disturbing. Reader's discretion advised.**

An array of lit candles sits scattered around Yato's shrine, their flames flicking and whisking in the warm breeze. The tiny bronzed blazes dance in the darkness, helping the milky gleams of the moon to chase away some of the night's shadows. To be truthful, I find the scene all beautiful and stunning, but there's still an eerie uneasiness about it. Regardless of how aesthetically pleasing this all is, I still know what this can all lead up to.

"Well, everyone is accounted for," the God of Learning known as Tenjin, who showed up earlier accompanied by his regalia, Mayu and Tsuyu, says. He turns to Yato, keeping his hands hidden in his sleeves and adds, "Are you ready?"

I don't know too much about Tenjin on a personal level, but I am aware that he is a well-known god. I've visited his shrine several times in the past with my friends, but I only ever knew him as the god that most students prayed to in order to obtain good grades and study habits. Aside from that, I didn't look too much into him, but then again, times were different back then. I didn't believe in the gods or anything like that, but now here I am, waiting to find out if I belong to even a drop of their world.

But I don't have too long to dwell before Yato nods, "Yeah. Yeah, we're all ready." He lets out a sigh and extends his hand, summoning, "Come to me, Sekki."

At that, Yukine begins to glow before a bright light engulfs him and he transforms into the blade that I saw before. The blade that I saw the night I saw Yato. It seems so incredibly long ago, now. However, in all reality, it wasn't all that long ago. It wasn't even a year ago. Still, seeing Yukine in that familiar form once again and that fierce fire burning in Yato's eyes, chills dart the length of my spine.

Yato steps forward, a serious expression masking his features as he breathes, "L/N Y/N, you stand here tonight before myself and these witnesses to undergo the Blood Root Ceremony. Do you acknowledge this?"

I nod, "Yes, I do."

He scans me, continuing, "And you acknowledge the terms to which this ceremony is performed under?"

A lump forms in my throat. The terms. Those damn terms. The terms which state if I'm a human, Yato will cut ties with me and I'll never see him again. But if I'm a demigod, then he won't, and I won't have to worry about saying farewell. And with all my heart, I hope and pray that I am a demigod. Even if only a single drop of my blood is divine, then it's a win to me.

With my throat dry and hands balled into fists, I swallow, "Yes...I do."

He scans me before saying lowly, "Alright, then. Extend your dominant arm to me, palm up."

I hesitate but do as he orders. I hold up my d/h (your dominant hand) hand, allowing it to tremble as my palm faces the sky. The flickering of the candles cast their glow upon my skin, adding a warm hue to my flesh as the shadows fight to claim residency. Another breeze blows, running its fingers through my h/c locks as I bring my stare to his.

Yato's alluring gaze is already boring into mine, the gentle gale ruffling his hair. To be honest, with what's on the line, I should be terrified. I should be trembling and cowering with fear. However, staring into his gaze -melting into those vivid orbs- I find myself relaxing. I can feel my muscles loosen, the tension slowly evaporating from them as a small wave of bravery washes over me.

His eyes dance into mine, his voice hoarse as he whispers, "Are you ready?"

There's no backing out. At least, that's what I'm choosing to tell myself. Realistically, I could tell Yato I want to call this all off. I could chime up and say I don't want to go through with this, but the sudden burst of courage coursing through my veins is encouraging me to stick with the plan.

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