Chapter 29: Conundrum

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"So, you're really gonna go to this shindig?" Yato asks with a mouthful of food.

I swallow my own food and nod, "Yup."

"Aren't ya nervous?" he presses.

"Tch. More than you'll ever know," I snort.

We're seated at the karaoke bar for lunch. Due to it being before the evening festivities, it's rather quiet. A few people are sprinkled throughout the restaurant, but no one is seeming to pay attention to us and vice versa. Basically, it's rather quiet and uneventful.

"Wait, I don't get it," Yukine interjects. "What's the big deal about this Paxton Free Young thing and why are you nervous?"

I'm about to answer when Yato replies, "Ya dummy. The Paxton Free Young Award is a ceremony for hotshot doctors."

Yukine lifts a brow. "Doctors? If it's for doctors, then why are you nervous?" He turns to Yato, adding sharply, "And watch who you're calling a dummy, ya dummy!"

"Why, you," Yato snarls.

The two begin to puff up, each sporting a spark of fire in their eyes. It's comical, really. It's been a while since I've last seen Yukine but observing him with Yato is reminding me of how he brings out Yato's lighter side. After all, ever since the morning after the whole Toro incident, it's as if he's been out of it. Almost like his smiles haven't been reaching his eyes. I simply chop it all up to his feelings for Hiyori.

"Here, how about we just let Y/N explain everything, then?" Yato suggests, settling himself back into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Kinda what I was planning," Yukine mumbles. He directs his attention to me and clears his throat. "So, anyway. What does this award have to do with you and why are you nervous?"

I take a quick sip of my drink and sigh, "My mom is a nominee for one of the awards; she and my father are both doctors, so they'll both be there." I tighten my hands into fists. "I haven't seen nor heard from either of them since I left Osaka back in fall. So, I'm kinda nervous what their response will be to seeing me after all this time."

His marmalade stare widens at that. "Whoa. You're telling me you haven't heard from them at all? Like, zero contact?"

I bite my lips. "Yep. Pretty much."

Astonishment douses his features when Yato reaches over and flicks the boy's skull. Yukine lets out a yelp and rubs where Yato had struck him, shooting his master a sharp glance as he does so.

"Ow! What the hell was that for Yato?" Yukine growls.

"Couldn't find a better way to word that?" Yato asked, his expression sporting a sense of seriousness.

Yukine must take note of this as well because his features automatically soften before turning back to me. He begins to scratch the back of his neck, his cheeks flushing a soft pink.

"My bad. Sorry about that Y/N," he apologizes. "I didn't mean to sound insensitive."

I wave my hand dismissively. "That's okay. I understand your curiosity."

That's not a lie. Not a lot of people understand my relationship with my parents. It's complicated and complex and that's even from being on the inside. I can only imagine how much more complicated it is watching from the outside.

"Still," he swallows. "I hope I didn't upset you."

"You didn't," I smile. "For real, it's okay Yukine. Don't worry about it."

There's a moment of silence when Yato interjects, "So, when is this award ceremony anyway?"

"Oh," I say, perking up. I turn to him, answering, "Tomorrow evening."

A mask of confusion slivers across his features as he tilts his head. "Wait, what time tomorrow?"

"Hmm. I think Mr. Sui said we need to be there by eight. Why?" I press.

He sits back in his seat, cuffing his chin as he closes his eyes. Both Yukine and I turn to him, observing him as he appears to lose himself in thought. Honestly, I become confused, completely oblivious as to what he's thinking about.

"Well, this is a bit of a conundrum," he mumbles, still scratching his chin.

Baffled, I laugh halfheartedly, "Umm, why?"

He sighs, "Because tomorrow is a full moon."

"Okay? And?" I continue.

At that, he brings his eyes directly to mine and says in a flat tone, "The Blood Root Ceremony."

**Hello all my awesome lovelies! So, seems like there's a bit of a problem. Both the Paxton Free Young Award and the Blood Root Ceremony will be falling on the same night. Hmm. Wonder what'll happen and what Y/N will have to do. Stay tuned to find out! Until then, thank you oh, so much for everything! Y'all are da bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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