Chapter 9: Prodigal Child

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There is so much swirling through my head. So, so, so much. So much that I can't stop from racing through the highway of my thoughts. So much that has kept me up all night, leading me to be on the third cup of coffee today to keep my eyes open while I stare at the surveillance screen.

Even as my eyes burn and sting, I try to remain focused on my task; to monitor the shop from my little office. All is, as expected, quiet and as it always is. A few folks are shopping all minding their own business. Nothing is out of the ordinary or driven by a malicious force, so I guess that's why my thoughts keep drifting, wandering.

A blood ceremony, eh? I think, resting my chin on the heel of my hand. All we need is the full moon and my blood, huh? I dig my nails slightly into my skin. What Yato sounds eerie and, in lame terms, creepy. Something that...bone-chilling doesn't seem natural. It almost appears evil. That's something a dark cult would do. At least, that's what it feels like.

I go to take another sip of my coffee when someone knocks against my door, grasping my attention. At that, the doorknob turns, revealing Mr. Sui.

"Oh, Mr. Sui," I say, swallowing my beverage. "Hello, sir. What brings you here?"

A warm smile bows his lips as he replies, "Ree told me that you were looking for me yesterday. Did you need something?"

I knit my brows in confusion but perk up. "Oh, that. Um, don't worry about it, Mr. Sui. It's nothing."

"No, I insist. Is something troubling you?" he presses.

Honestly, there is so much troubling me. Too much to tell him about. However, asking him about a dress is hardly anything to stress over. After all, he came to me. I might as well bring it up.

I lean back in my seat and clear my throat. "Well, Hiyori and I were looking for a dress for her to wear to the Paxton Free Young Award, but we couldn't find anything that quite fit the mold. So, we were wondering if you had any ideas. If you don't, that's perfectly fine."

I almost feel rude asking this. I mean, Mr. Sui owns the shop we're in right now. Seven is his boutique. Well, to a degree. Technically, it belonged to his late wife, Bridgette, though he took over as sole owner after her passing. Still, regardless of all that, this is his shop.

He tilts his head to the side. "The Paxton Free Young Award? Those are already around the corner?" I just nod and he adds, "My. Time flies when you're having a good time." He taps his index finger against his chin. "Hmm. There's no just wearing any typical dress there."

"That's what I told her," I chuckle.

He glimpses at me. "As of now I have nothing here that's appropriate for such an event but tell Hiyori to wait. I'm sure I can find something."

I nod, "Thank you, Mr. Sui. I will."

I go to turn back to my screen, but I can feel Mr. Sui's eyes still linger on me. It's not malice or a malicious sensation, but it does catch my attention. So, I turn back to him.

" need something else, Mr. Sui?" I ask, lifting a brow.

He takes a step closer, sighing, "Won't you be attending the awards, Y/N?"

"Oh, uh, no," I laugh. "No. I have no reason to attend."

He knits his brows in curiosity. "No reason to go? Pardon my intrusion in your personal life, Miss L/N, but if what I read is accurate, your mother and father will be attending."

Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

It always goes back to them. It always goes back to YF/N and YM/N. It always goes back to my parents. No matter what I do to escape them, they always reappear. I guess this is just my life.

I inhale and breathe, "No...I still don' plan to go. It's best if I don't."

"Best if you don't?" he repeats quizzically. "Are you afraid there'd be conflict if your parents saw you?"

I shrug, "In simplest terms, yeah. I doubt they'd be happy to see me."

Mr. Sui's eyes soften as he scans me. A tint of sadness drifts at the surface of those dark orbs, his expression also sporting that same sadness. I don't expect him to understand where I'm coming from. I expect no one to understand.

He shoves his hands into his pockets and sighs, "Miss L/N, I may be no parent, but I was a son to a mother and father of my own. A mother and father that both raised me with the strict swiftness of an iron fist."

To be honest, I'm not surprised to hear this. Mr. Sui is no spring chicken. He's old enough to be my grandfather, so I can safely assume he grew up in a different era with different ways to raise children. However, I'm still intrigued.

"You were the son of strict parents?" I question.

He shrugs, "Yes. Both were very stern in their tactics of raising children. So stern that once I became old enough to leave home, I left. For years I remained afar from them, rarely speaking to them."

And I'm lost.

I knit my brows. "It sounds like you were just living your own life. I fail to see where this is going."

His smile warms as he continues, "The point is, that even after I left and turned my back to them when I did return to them, my parents welcomed me with open arms." He shifts his weight. "What I'm saying, Y/N is that, despite how you grew up, you may very well be welcomed back with open arms."

**Bello my awesome lovelies! Another warming moment between Mr. Sui and Y/N. However, this warming moment featured a mention of Y/N's folks. Will Mr. Sui's words get through to Y/N or will she turn her back on her family? Stay tuned to find out! As always, thank you so very much for all your support! Y'all are amazeballs! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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