Chapter 35: Stares

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"Y/N," my mother says, her stare never tearing from mine.

It's incredible how small this woman makes me feel with nothing more than that sharp glare. My breath becomes lodged in my throat as my heart hammers against my ribs. Even now...even after we've spent all this time apart, I still feel like I'm less than human; I still feel like that black sheep that's kept on a tight leash.

"I must say, I was not expecting to see you here," she continues. "In fact, this was the last place I ever expected to see you. Speaking of which; what are you doing here? How did you get here?"

My body tries to stiffen as I fidget with my glass. These aren't difficult questions to answer, but I'm having a difficult time finding the correct words to say. Even though I've been mentally bracing myself for this moment, the reality differs from what I've been imagining. It differs greatly.

But I don't let that get to me. Instead, I stand up straight and clear my throat, answering, "Hello, It's been a while." I pause for a moment before swallowing, "I live here Nora, that is."

YM/N lifts a brow. "You live here? What happened with Tokyo? I thought that was your true destination."

"It was," I confess, "but things didn't play out that way. So, now I live in Nora."

"I see," she says. Her eyes drift over to Kaito as she adds, "Ichi Kaito. It's been a long time. I understand you and your father have returned to Japan. How was London? You're in university now, correct?"

I sneak a settled peek up at Kaito. His eyes...they appear so hollow, nothing but anger drifting at the surface of them as he meets my parents' stares. His lips are pressed in a hard line, his nostrils slightly flaring. He is definitely not pleased to see them, but a fake smile cracks across his lips as he tries to appear happy to see them.

"That is correct," he nods. "I've been back for two years. I attend TU now, actually."

YM/N's eyes widen. "Oh? So, you and your father were only in London for a year?"

"Roughly," he replies confidentially. "It was a good experience, though. Living in London, I mean. It was refreshing to experience a new culture."

"I'm sure," YM/N remarks.

Her sharp gaze then glances between me and Kaito, suspicion masking her features. I don't need to hear my mother's words to know what she's thinking. I can see her thoughts clearly in her stare. She's warning me through her glare not to mention a word of what happened three years ago. She wants me to keep my lips zipped, but she doesn't know that it's too late. He already knows. He knows everything.

"Y/N," YF/N suddenly interjects, catching my attention. I turn to him, my own stare meeting his fe/c orbs when he continues, "How did you get in here? This event is an invite exclusive." He glances at Kaito, pressing, "Did you bring her Kaito?"

Kaito shakes his head. "No, sir. I...I came here with someone else."

YM/N lifts a brow. "Really? Who?"

He's uncomfortable. I can tell he is. Kaito is shifting where he stands, most likely not wanting to answer my mother's prying. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to answer either, but he caves.

He breathes, "My,é. My fiancé...and her family."

Both of my parents' eyes nearly boggle out of their sockets. They were not suspecting that answer. And for a brief, brief moment it's as if I see a sliver of pity crossing both of their stares. Briefly...but it was still there.

"I suppose some congratulations are in store," YF/N tries to smile.

Kaito nods, "Thank you."

There's a brief moment of silence before YM/N continues, "So, Y/N. That reiterates the question. How did you get into this event?"

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