Chapter 2: Beams and Shadows

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"So, how are you and Hiroki doing?" I ask, shoveling a forkful of salad into my mouth.

"We're doing great," Hiyori beams. "He's met my parents and I'll be meeting his this weekend."

"Oh? How'd that go?" I press.

She shrugs, "They love him. But what about you and your boyfriend? What was his name again? Yama? Or was it Lato?"

My heart breaks at hearing this. Even though I'm not clear on all the details of Hiyori and Yato's past, I do know that there is definitely something there. Something that was deep enough to upset Yato the night of the festival. Something that pulled at him upon seeing her. Something that was important enough for him to sever his ties with her so that she may live a normal life. That was a painful sacrifice for him, and I know it. So, her not remembering his name now, that breaks me.

I breathe keenly in through my nose and sigh, "Yato. His name is Yato."

"Oh, yeah!" she giggles. "That's it. How are you and him doing?"

I begin to fidget with my fork. How do I handle this situation? Tell her that it was all one big lie? That it was all so she would refrain from playing matchmaker? I definitely can't tell her that Yato was fulfilling a wish of mine. But if I did still spill portions of the truth now, how would she react? Lying isn't necessarily an ideal way of maintaining a friendship. Still, I have to say something.

I rest my chin on the heel of my hand and breathe, "We...we kinda became distant."

That is not a lie. That is the truth. Ever since Yato and Yukine got back from their spontaneous trip to H/P (your birthplace/where you're from) to track down my birth parents, I haven't seen much of them. In fact, I haven't seen a trace of them over the last two weeks. But it's not for a lack of them trying. Both have tried texting and calling me and they've each taken turns trying to visit me, but I've, for a lack of better words, been avoiding them. After what they revealed to me those two weeks ago, I haven't felt much like seeing them. Because if I did see them, that would mean I'd have to face what they told me.

And I'm not ready for that.

There's too much already swirling through my brain to add their revelation to my plate. Besides, what they had seems crazy. It did then and it does now. I mean, it sounded like a joke.

Hiyori's expression saddens as she says, "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. If it means anything, I thought you two were a cute pair." She flashes a warm smile. "So, I hope all goes well for both of you."

My cheeks flush red upon hearing this. Yato? Yato and me? Me and Yato? A cute pair? What Yato and Yukine revealed to me suddenly sounds a lot less crazy, but I can't let Hiyori see what's going through my head.

So, I fake a smile. "Thanks. I guess time will tell."

Time will tell.

Time will tell how long it'll take to heal from Kaito. Time will tell if I'll be okay again. Time will tell if I ever reach out to Yato and Yukine again. Time will tell if they forgive me. Time will tell all the answers. I just need to be patient and wait. That's all I need to do. At least, that's what I try to tell myself.

"Anything else new?" Hiyori questions, taking a bite of her food. "Been so busy that it feels like forever since I've seen you."

I shake my head. "Eh, not really." Lies. "All's that same old same. How about you?"

She shrugs, "Just busy. School has been stressful, but finals are close. So, it'll get easier after that." She perks up. "Oh, that reminds me. Do you think you could go dress shopping with me sometime this week?"

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