Chapter 22: Maybe

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"Oh, wow! This is perfect for the ceremony!" Hiyori gushes, turning side to side as she glances over her reflection.

She is wearing a beautiful pink strapless gown that hugs her torso perfectly, revealing a tasteful bit of cleavage. The gown has rouging along the abdomen as a glistening gem rests in the center of the neckline. The skirt flows away from her, giving the entire dress a princess appearance. Honestly, it's a very pretty dress and suits Hiyori almost perfectly. It's innocent, yet elegant.

Beaming, she turns to me, asking, "What do you think, Y/N? Yay or nay?"

I scan my friend and smile, "Yay."

"Really?" Her face lights up. "You think this is the one?"

"Definitely," I nod. "Mr. Sui picked a good one for ya." I sit, observing her a tad longer before adding, "Will Hiroki be there?"

She turns to me, her unique gaze lighting up as she grins, "Yeah. He's my date to it."

Of course, he is. Why wouldn't he? Their relationship is so simple and easy for them. There're no complexities thrown into the mix. At least, no complexities like the ones I'm facing. Nothing like my first love being engaged or my...whatever Yato is to me now going M.I.A. and being a god. There's nothing like that affecting them.

My throat goes dry. Yato. When was the last time I saw him? When was the last time I heard from him? It's been over a week at the very least and I haven't seen nor heard from him. I've texted him and left calls, but I've still received no response. And as badly as that hurts, I'm giving him his space. After what almost happened between us, I bet he needs to clear his head and I don't blame him for that. In all honesty, time spent apart is most likely what we need.

But that's not what I want. I've grown so accustomed to being near him. Being close to and talking to him. In this new phase of my life, Yato has become a sense of familiarity. However, despite what I may or may not want, that doesn't matter. What truly matters is that Yato gets the space he needs to clear his mind.

"So, are you going to the ceremony?" Hiyori questions, pulling me from my thoughts. "Your mom is a candidate for an award. I'm sure she'd be happy to see you."

I tighten my hands into fists and laugh halfheartedly, "No, I don't think so. I'm not invited, and things are...complicated."

"Complicated?" she repeats quizzically. "I'm sure there's a way we could get you in and complications or not, she's still your mother. I'm sure she'd be elated to see you."

I admire Hiyori's optimism. Truly, I do. However, I know YM/N. I know YM/N very well. She couldn't care less whether or not she saw me at that award ceremony. After all, I'm the L/N family disgrace...the black sheep upon all the porcelain purity which is their pristine appearance. If anything, she'd probably only be irritated and disappointed to see me. After all, I'm not YB/N nor YS/N. I'm not my siblings. I'm not one of the golden children. I'm not their biological child.

I shrug, "I don't know. doesn't feel right. Seeing them after all this time, I mean."

Hiyori's eyes soften. "Y/N, I might not know all about the situation between you and your parents but I'm sure they miss you. I mean, they're your parents."

This is the second time I've heard this. The second time someone has told me that my parents are bound to be missing me because they're my parents. However, my parents are not like most parents. As a small child, they may have shown some sort of affection, but as I grew, that affection became less and less. Endearment and family time became replaced with strict expectations and loneliness.

"Maybe so," I try to smile. "Maybe so...but I still don't know. I just...I's not my place."

Hiyori scans me before nodding, "I understand...but just think about it. Ya never know. They might surprise you."

I fidget with my fingers. "Maybe. Maybe."

Though, as I talk to my friend about my parents, one thing flashes through my mind. A distant memory from three years ago which causes a chill to dart the length of my spine. A distant memory of a very sad and traumatic day that I can never erase, no matter how hard I try. In the end, this memory is forever etched into my mind. Forever.

The day my baby's life was snatched away.

**Bello lovelies! So...Y/N doesn't really wanna see her folks. However, we don't know what Kaito's reaction to the abortion is (yet). Any ideas about what it'll be? What about Y/N's thoughts? Feel free to make a guess! As always, thank you so, so, sooooo much for everything! Y'all are da bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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