Chapter 27: Beautiful Peace

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**Mention of sensitive materials. Reader's discretion advised.**

He loved her. He really loved her. I say mentally, fidgeting with the locket in my hands. My mind keeps reiterating what Yato had revealed to me this evening. I understand it must have taken a great deal of courage to openly admit that. After all, he loved her so much that he did the right thing for her, even if she protested. I understand that had to be difficult for him. He had to have struggled with that.

Which makes me think back to my discussion with Kaito. The conversation I had dreaded because I was nervous to see his reaction. Nervous and anxious.

"Abortion. I was forced to have an abortion," I sniffled, feeling myself tremble.

I could feel his eyes bore into me as he lowered himself into the chair at his side. His hands slid down my arms until they fell into his lap. Feeling guilty, I gazed at him, watching as utter devastation sprawled across his smooth features. His eyes became wide, the agony floating at the surface of them as his mouth fell open. That was not the outcome he was expecting.

"They...they made you get abortion?" he asked, his voice wavering from the shock as he brought his stare to mine. "Your parents and my father...they made you do that?"

I played with my fingers and slid into the chair next to his, sighing, "My parents did, yes. Your father...he just let them do what they saw fit."

"They saw that as fit?" he questioned, most likely shriller than he intended. "They forced their sixteen-year-old daughter to get an abortion and they -including my own father- all saw that as fit? They thought that was right?"

"I didn't say they thought it was right," I swallowed.

"Oh, please. We both know how your mother is, Y/N. To her, a fetus is just that; a fetus," he snorts. "To her, that's not anything. It's not a life. It's not a child. It's not anything. I'd be shocked if she didn't think what she decided was right."

I bit my lips and lowered my stare to my hands. He wasn't completely wrong. YM/N was always in the mind of a scientist; always thinking of the next way to up her game in the medical field. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I knew that mine and Kaito's baby was nothing more than just a fetus to her. Not our baby and not her grandchild. And that stung like hell to even think about. That she never even thought of the baby in that way.

"That may be true to some degree," I confessed.

I could feel him scan me before he breathed, "Sorry. I...I didn't mean to snap like that. I'm just...I'm trying to absorb all this. It's a lot to take in."

"I know," I tried to smile, turning to him. "I don't blame you. This is a lot to unload on you."

His eyes scanned me, those beautifully dark orbs reflecting the light when he reached for me. He took my hands into his and gently pulled me to him, holding me on his lap as he gingerly kissed one of my hands. Chills of warmth washed over me at his touch and actions, easing my mind.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N," he whispered, holding my hand against him, his deep stare meeting mine. "I am so, so sorry that you faced all that alone. I'm so angry that they all put you through that and that no one was there for you. I am so, so sorry."

Tenderness drifted at the surface of his gaze, causing my heart to flutter. His expression...his words...his tone...his touch -every last bit of it- it all reminded me of my feelings for him. It all reminded me of why I ever fell in love with him in the first place. In a place that was so foreign and new, he was like a snippet of familiarity and home. He was home.

I gently ran my fingers through his hair and breathed, "Do you want to know what it was?"

His eyes widened. " know what it was? But how?"

"The doctor performing the abortion...he was a friend of my parents' from the States," I answered. "He took pity on me and after the procedure, ran some tests. It took a bit of time, but do you wanna know what he told me?"

He observed me before eagerly nodding, "Yes. Yes, please."

It was my turn to scan him. He was telling the truth. He wanted to know. His eyes bored directly into mine, the pleading in them overflowing from them. It was almost like a sense of desperation that radiated from him, but I could relate to that desperation. I could relate to it very easily.

I held his hands firmly in mine and smiled, "It would've been a healthy little boy."

I squeeze my eyes shut, remembering that day. He had been so calm, especially given the situation. But above all else, he had been so understanding and curious. Curious to know how I was. Curious to know how I dealt with it all. Curious to know if he could help me in any way. We talked for hours, forgetting our breakfast plans and surely, I was reminded even more of why I love him.

Smiling, I glimpse down and open the locket, looking at the only picture I have of my son. Of mine and Kaito's son.

"Kazumi," I smile, a single tear rolling down my cheek. "Itchi Kazumi. Our beautiful...peaceful little boy."

**Bello my incredible lovelies! I just wanna clear up a few things as they might be confusing. Y/N was still in her first trimester of pregnancy (around 11 weeks) when she was forced to get the abortion. So, still kinda early on. Kinda. The doctor her parents selected for her was, as she said, from the U.S.A. and was a friend of theirs. He felt sorry for her since she was scared and had no say in any of this. So, after he performed the procedure, he sent off some blood samples of the baby's for testing. In this testing, he discovered the gender, which he reported to Y/N as a way to add some sense of comfort to her. That all said, since this is a work of fiction, I have no idea if anything like that can be done with aborted remains. I doubt it, but never really know. Also, I'll add that once again I'm not trying to start any debates about anything involving subjects as sensitive as abortion and unborn babies. Like I said before, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and thoughts. That said, this is just a fictional work and not meant for anything aside from storytelling. So, please remain respectful to others and me. That all said, thank you so, so much for everything! Y'all are awesome sauce! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Everything I Need" by Skylar Grey (from the movie, "Aquaman" soundtrack). Which is a great film by the way. I am terrified of movies that take place under water/have water scenes, so you know it was good if I watched it lol.

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