Chapter 44: Stakes

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Thump, thump. Thump, thump. Thump, thump.

I can hear my pulse drumming within the walls of my ear canals, my heart slowly dropping to my stomach. The coin is staring back at me, taunting me. All I've wanted ever since I learned about this ceremony is answers, but now that there are high stakes, my throat is dry. My throat is dry, and my soul is slowly draining from my body.

If this ceremony comes back and says I'm a human, Yato will cut ties with me. He will just cut ties with me and that will be the end of that. There's no compromising that, so now I'm terrified to see what will come from all of this. For the first time, I'm fully hoping that I'm a demigod. Truly, truly I hope so because I don't want to lose this friendship.

"Alright then," Yato says, stretching his arms over his head. "The coin has spoken. Let's do this."

He walks off and begins to prepare the materials and setting for the ceremony, busying himself with his work. Meanwhile, all I can do is just stand here and watch. Watching and observing as my body goes numb. Watching and observing as he does what he needs to, my blood rushing through the vessels in my ears.

I watch, taking in every part that is him. The way his hair blows in the breeze. The way his shoulders rise and fall with each breath he draws. The way his muscles flex beneath the fibers of his clothes. The way he merely exists and I'm drinking it all up because there's no saying if I'll be able to see him after tonight. So, I'm just absorbing it all while I can.

Another warm breeze blows, combing my hair in every direction, the clouds skating across the blackened sky, allowing the milky gleam to fall to the earth. The light dances across Yato, illuminating his face as he turns. My heart beats faster, my face burning. He's beautiful. I mean, I've known that. I've been aware of his alluring features but seeing him being surrounded by the cherry blossoms as the moon's light paints him only intensifies what I've already known. And because of that, I find my breath hitching.

Yato's eyes suddenly flicker to me as he hums, "Hmm? What are you staring at? Is there something on my face or somethin'?"

With my ears and cheeks burning, I scratch the back of my neck and stammer, "W-what? Oh, uh...n-no. You''re all good."

He lifts a brow and goes back to doing what he was previously doing. I manage to find my breath and let it out, trying to compose myself. Get yourself together, Y/N. I tell myself, shaking my head briefly. It's just Yato. You two are friends. Nothing more and nothing less. But I know that I'm lying to myself. Regardless of what I want to believe, there's something about Yato that makes me question my feelings for him.

"The Nora residents sure do know how to keep a shrine in decent condition," Kofuku chimes, alerting me that she's returned.

I turn just as Daikoku nods, "Yeah, better than what it could be." He then glances up, adding, "Yato, so what's with this whole ceremony thing again?"

"The Blood Root Ceremony," Yato says.

"I caught the name of it already," Daikoku murmurs, a hint of annoyance tugging at his tone. "I meant, why the hell are you doing this again?"

Yato glimpses at me before returning to Daikoku, answering, "It's for Y/N. She wants answers."

Daikoku brings his stare to me, his features softening as it all clicks. It's as if he remembers what it is I can see and possibly what that entails. I suppose that's why he briefly grows silent before turning back to Yato.

"So, this will give her what she wants?" he presses.

Yato shrugs, "Hopefully."

Daikoku's brows knit together in confusion as he questions, "What do you –"

"The Blood Root Ceremony is an old ritual," Kofuku interjects, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Not necessarily an ancient one, but it's old. It was first performed in the Greek culture after centuries of supposed demigods being born. Shortly after that, the ceremony spread to other regions and cultures to identify any demigods living amongst them, but as the years passed and suspicions faded, it's fallen through the cracks. Few perform or even know about this these days." She glimpses at me, still flashing that friendly smile. "So, wanting to know if there's any divine blood in your veins, eh?"

I can tell Kofuku is curious about my predicament, but I can't fully indulge in all the details...can I? I mean, Yato asked her and Daikoku to give us space earlier for a reason. But then again, seeing her expression, reading her eyes, part of me thinks she is already somewhat aware of the situation. Whether Yato told her about this or she's just that perceptive is beyond me. Regardless, she knows something.

I nod, "Yeah. Yeah, I'm...curious."

She observes me before beaming, "I see."

There's a moment of silence as another gust blows through the trees, combing through our hair. I can feel all three sets of eyes on me and I find it uncomfortable, but this whole situation is uncomfortable for me. I felt so happy and unstoppable before coming here, but now I just feel so defeated and anxious. I don't want to lose Yato. I don't want to lose him or anyone else that I've met through him. But only one thing can determine that.

This ceremony.

**Hello my sweet lovelies! Sorry or the slightly shorter chapter today, but I didn't wanna dive too far into the ceremony yet. We, however, will in the next chapter! Meaning we'll see how it's performed and the results. What's your all's bet? Human or demigod? Feel free to let me know your guess! As always, thank you so, so much for everything! Y'all are the bestest! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. Sorry about not posting Wednesday (or giving a heads up). My mother is having surgery next week, so I've had a lot to do to prepare in advance. So, a double post today! This one and the next, that is lol. Thank you for understanding!

P.S.S. "ON" by BTS (has nothing to do with the story). Also, they released the official MV -totally feel free to check it out! It's amazing.

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