Chapter 15: Behind Oceanic Eyes

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My eyes slowly flicker open, my stare being met by the brilliant golden hues of the early morning light, which causes me to wince. It's then that a sharp pain darts from the left side of my jaw to my left temple, my pulse strumming like angry drums in my left ear. It's an agonizing sensation that forces me to double over into myself, burying my face into my hands.

"Ouch!" I cry. "Son of a bitch! Did I drink that much last night, or was I hit by a fucking bus?"

"Actually, neither," a voice abruptly says.

Startled, I jerk up, my gaze colliding with an all too familiar set of oceanic blue orbs. It's Yato. Kneeling on my bed in front of me, his stare averted to the ground is Yato...a very sad and upset appearing Yato. But why is he upset? More importantly, why is he here? Now that I mention it, how did I get here? The last thing I remember is being at the club...dancing...dancing with those other, with...a guy...Toro...dancing with Toro. But weren't we...wait.

My eyes widen as I fling myself to Yato, panicking, "Yato! W-where is Toro? He didn't come with me, did he? Please tell me he's not here."

He finally brings his gaze to mine, replying, "Relax. He didn't even make it outta the club with you. I made sure of that."

Relief washes over me. Oh, thank God. I inhale and breathe, relaxing. Though I still have this splitting headache, I'm happy just knowing he's not here...but that still leaves a new package of questions.

Curious, I press, "Yato...I, uh...I don't remember all that happened last night. Do you...happen to know how things played out?"

His eyes widen briefly before dropping once again. "To be honest, I was kinda hoping you didn't wanna know."

"You were hoping I wouldn't wanna know? Why...why would you hope for that?" I question, lifting a brow.

He shifts uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact as he mumbles, " was...what happened...ya see..." He closes his eyes and sighs, "Crap. Fine, I'll just say it. Last night, that guy tried to take you back to his place...but he was persistent. He wouldn't leave you alone, so I stepped in. He was a prick about it, but I didn't care if he was aiming his slurs at me." He balls his hands into fists, lowering his tone. "He could say and call me what he wanted, but when he...when he called you that name...I couldn't let him disrespect you like that. So, I...I...I punched him..."

Now my eyes widen. "You what? You punched Toro? Why didn't you just –"

"I couldn't let him get away with that," he abruptly says, a sense of urgency brimming in his tone as his eyes meet mine.

His stare is sharp, but they overflow with genuine concern and...and something else. Something that I can't fully comprehend nor deduce. Something that catches my attention and grasps my interest. Still, I can see whatever it is staring back at me.

"I couldn't let him get away with that," he repeats. "I couldn't let him do that to you. To call and say those things to you...I couldn't...I wouldn't. So, I went to teach him a lesson and..." His voice trails off as he once again drops his stare. He bites his lip and leans forward, bowing as he sniffles, "And because of the fight that ensued, you got hurt. Because of my recklessness, you were hurt...and I am so, so, so sorry, Y/N. I am so sorry. Please...please forgive me."

I remain here, staring down at the man—no, the god—bowing before me. His forehead is pressed to the comforter, the position he is showing nothing but respect and longing for forgiveness. Something I've only ever seen a handful of times and never having it directed to me. So, to be seeing be experiencing this drives a twinge to pull at my heart.

Not thinking, I rush to Yato, pulling him up as I swallow, "Yato...please...sit up. There's no need for you to do that—there's no need for you to do any of this. Please...please, stop."

"But he hurt you," he says in a rushed tone. "Because of what I did...he hurt you."

I lift a brow. "Yato, you're just –"

"He hit you," he interrupts, moving closer to me.

My blood runs cold. The pounding in my skull...the tenderness of my all is starting to make sense. I didn't drink that much...I didn't go home with a stranger. I was caught in a quarrel. And as I stare into Yato's saddened eyes, I realize it's all true.

"I tried to stop him," he continues. "I tried to block him...I tried to push you out of the way...I tried to protect you...but he...he still got you. He still hurt you." He lowers his head, his voice growing shaky. "I am so sorry Y/N. I am so, so sorry."

He goes to bow again but I manage to stop him by resting my hands on his shoulders, which seems to startle him. His eyes bore into mine, his lips becoming agape. And for the first time, all the versions I've seen of Yato before melt away, being replaced by a part of him I've never seen. A part that causing my breath to hitch as my heart races.

Time slows as our eyes remain trained on one another, the clock nearby disappearing to me as the seconds slowly roll over into a minute. It's only been a few moments and already I feel like I've been staring at him for hours, when he moves closer, his eyes never tearing from mine. I can feel my heart skip a beat as my mind becomes scrambled with words that I cannot formulate into sentences.

All I know is what I see and what I see is Yato leaning closer to me, my focus suddenly training onto his lips. His soft and fleshy lips that are so close yet so far. And it's in this moment that I wonder one thing; what do they taste like?

I'm about to brace myself to find the answer to that very question when Yato dips down and rests his forehead against my shoulder, his hot breath tickling me.

"I'm just happy you're okay," he sleepily murmurs. "I'm so happy you're okay. I'm so relieved."

And I get it.

He was scared to lose me.

**Hello, all my wonderful lovelies! Wow. Kinda a touching scene...kinda. It came off that way in my head. Very touching and cute. Just a little moment shared between Y/N and Yato. I mean, who wouldn't want to have a touching moment with Yato? Anyway, hope y'all are ready for some shitz to go down in upcoming chapters. Just a reminder that I'm still collecting questions for the Fun Facts section at the end of this book. Feel free to message your questions to me or leave them in any comment section. Until next time, thank you so much for everything! Y'all are the bee's knees! Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

P.S. "Get Up" by Shinedown (really digging using music lately lol).

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