Bonus: Fun Facts!

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**Bello my incredible lovelies and welcome to another Fun Facts section! I've done one of these at the end of all my projects and this one is no different. So, sit back, relax, and read on for some fun facts and announcements!**

1.) Okay. First thing's first; Yato and Y/N were never meant to end up together. I know, I know. I'm sure a lot, or maybe even all, readers may disagree with that. However, that was my plan from the start and that is what happened.

2.) This sorta ties into the last fact. To me, an x Reader story doesn't always mean a character will end up with the reader and even if they do, it doesn't always mean it'll be a happy ending. Trust me. I read a BTS x Reader book that had a very depressing ending after telling a tragic story. Sadly, I can't remember the title/author, but I enjoyed it overall.

3.) Kaito and Y/N's son, Yatboku is called Yatty not because Y/N remembers hearing Kofuku calling Yato that (ya know, since she doesn't remember Yato), but because she liked it and felt a familiar connection to it. Obviously, readers would understand why that connection exists.

4.) I don't mention it, but YM/N, YF/N, and Kaito discuss what was going through the parents' (Dr. Itchi's, included) heads to lead up to the abortion of Kaito and Y/N's first son, Kazumi. Tears were shed, apologies were said, and feelings were made known and this all occurred while Y/N was unconscious after the Blood Root Ceremony. After all this, everyone comes out stronger and happier on the other side.

5.) After the events at the Paxton Free Young Award, Y/N's parents realized they needed to change their behavior and began the process of working towards earning Y/N's forgiveness.

6.) Mr. Sui was designed to act as the wise fatherly figure for Y/N from the very start. I chose this because, even though I have my father, I've never received any words of wisdom. Same with my grandpas (which I'm close to neither). So, I wanted Mr. Sui to provide that for Y/N.

7.) The reason that larger phantoms rarely venture to Nora is because of the blessed grounds the village was constructed on. The grounds are blessed due to the abandoned shrine, so Y/N saw fewer phantoms there.

8.) Yato cuts ties with Y/N because, though she was a demigod, the divine bloodline was slowly disappearing with each new generation. This is why Y/N could see the phantoms but couldn't do anything to make them disappear. In turn, Yato saw this as Y/N being more human than demigod.

9.) The antipsychotic medication that Y/N took to help her not see the phantoms (in earlier chapters/scenes) did help her because, as mentioned, her divine blood was weaker. So, basic psychiatric medication could act as a screen to prevent her from seeing the phantoms.

10.) I was inspired by Grey's Anatomy to make Y/N's parents surgeons. The character, Christina Yang, in particular, inspired me to make YM/N a cardiothoracic surgeon. And yes, I love that show.

11.) We never figure out what god is the predecessor to Y/N's bloodline, but I will say this -their genes entered the lineage over a thousand years prior. The truest demigod that existed in her family was that god and human's offspring. After that, more human DNA entered back into the family tree over the years, eventually resulting in Y/N and her own young.

12.) Would Kazumi have had demigod genes? Will Yatboku have them? Honestly, that's up for y'all to decide.

13.) Out of all the projects I've written...ya know...out of the whole whopping three, this one was the most difficult. I thought I struggled with my Jean x Reader trilogy, but damn, this one kicked my ass.

14.) In case you're curious...I'm still trying to catch up in Grey's Anatomy. I'm on season 14 now. I'd be caught up by now if I watched T.V. more often lol.

15.) I've been reading The Fever King on Webtoon and if you haven't checked it out, I recommend it. I almost choked on a peanut M&M while reading the latest update (at the time of typing this). I ship a ship. I ship a ship, indeed.

16.) If you are someone who posts books (fanfic or other) on here, then I strongly recommend backing them up on another source as well. I keep my books on a flash drive and simply copy them from a word document and paste them onto here. This way, if Wattpad ever has any issues, I have the work still which, let's be honest, fanfic or not is hours and hours worth of work. That's just what I do.

17.) I do plan to do more fanfics in the future.

18.) Wattpad is the only place I post fanfic/x Reader stories.

19.) So far, all of my projects have been trilogies. So...that might be a thing for all future projects.

20.) I really wanna do a Girl x Girl fanfic...especially one about Verose from Freaking Romance (another Webtoon that I am OBSESSED with), but at the same time, I'm not sure if I can. I'm not 100% sure yet.

21.) I tried to make Y/N an extrovert, but as an introvert myself, I struggled with this. Like, a lot.

22.) Out of all of my projects, my favorite is my Levi x Reader trilogy. Even though it's riddled with mistakes, I enjoy its plot the most.

23.) My hobbies include eating, occasionally drawing, and ripping my hair out when I have writer's block. I excel at the first and last especially.

24.) Procrastination should've been my middle name.


25.) For some reason, I could just see Y/N and Kaito only having sons. I couldn't imagine the two having any daughters. BUT if they ever did, Kaito would be the kinda dad to let his little girl pull his hair into uneven pigtails and dress up for her little tea parties. Just felt like including that lol.

**Well my lovelies, with this we have reached the official ending of this project and what a journey it has been. When I say I am grateful for all your support, I am grateful for all your support. I truly appreciate everything and every new read, vote, and comment makes my heart swell with joy and happiness. I genuinely love creating these stories for you guys even if they are only fanfics and I hope you enjoyed reading them. I can never thank y'all enough but thank you, thank you, THANK YOU. For real, thank you. And I mean that. Now, that all said, I do have an announcement. I have been creating these fanfics for a hot minute now and after I finished this project, I told myself I'd focus on more original work. I went back and forth on this for a while before coming to the decision, but I feel it's something I must do. So, though I will still occasionally post in my Art Book, this profile will go on hiatus from posting any large projects. I might also create a little oneshot book for either Attack on Titan or Tokyo Ghoul, but as of now, I'm not sure about that. And as far as the hiatus is concerned, I'm not sure how long it'll be. It could be a few weeks, or it could be much longer. I'm not sure. So, to any readers who have been following me for a while, I'm sorry to announce that, as of now, I have no new projects that'll be posted. However, if you want to stay updated, then I recommend following me (I follow back). I will do my best to make announcements about any future projects on my profile. Until then, thank you. I know I've already said it, but thank you so freakin' much. You all really and truly are incredible. Thank you so much. Keep being awesome sauce and live long and prosper. Wuv yous!! <3**

-Noel Ross

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