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Unknown: Drop the pack kid!

The stranger holds his gun to the back of your head.

You: P- Pl- Please... This is all I have.

You stutter as you speak. Nothing but fear filling your head.

Unknown: Don't think I won't kill you here boy...

You slowly take the pack off your back and set it on the ground. He reaches down to search through it and take what he wants.

Unknown: Quite a haul you've got here.

He didn't notice the knife you slipped into your hand as you took the pack off. He keeps the gun trained at you but lets his guard down as he searches.

Unknown: What's this?

He pulls out a keychain from your bag. One that carries so many sad memories with it, but they're memories you don't want to forget.

Unknown: What a useless thing to have.

He throws it away. Anger boils up inside of you and you use it to lunge forward and plunge the knife into his neck. His eyes go wide and he stumbles away. You grab the gun from his hand quickly, while he's in shock, to keep him from shooting you. Now you have it aimed at him. He slumps against a tree and gurgles on the blood filling up in his throat; slowly choking him to death.

Before he completely dies you walk up and pull the knife out from his neck. Blood squirts out when you pull it away, getting some on your clothes. He dies shortly after you pull it free. You then lodge it in his skull to keep him from turning.

Once you're sure he won't turn you pull it from his head. Cleaning it on a bit of his pants that was untouched by his blood. Then you loot him and put anything useful back in you pack.

You stand up and look at him. Tears begin to fill your eyes, but you wipe them away. The sounds could have attracted a few Walkers. There's no time for crying. You need to leave. But first...

You walk over to the area he threw it and rummage around in the leaves. Soon you find it. Your key chain. The paint is already wearing on it. Soon it will be unrecognizable.

This was a year after the dead began to roam the Earth. You were going to be ten soon... And you had already killed three people.

About Nine Years Later...

You walk through the woods hoping you find some food soon. You've been without it for about two days now, and it's taking its toll. You stumble along as you pass a few walkers; not having enough energy to deal with them.

Suddenly there is an explosion nearby. You lift your head in shock and see the smoke cloud rising above the explosion; shining brightly against the night sky.

You walk as fast as you can to through the woods to see what's happening. You hear the groans of hundreds of Walkers filling the air, and more tiny explosions. You come to a clearing and see a lake, more walkers than you can count, and the blaze from the explosions on a boat.

Your ears are soon met with another set of explosions from the ship, growing in intensity. The ship groans as it tips over and crashes down into the water and shore below it; one massive explosion following the impact.

You hear the moans of Walkers behind you and you get moving. You move as fast as your body will let you trying to get around to the boat to see if there are any survivors.

You get halfway around the lake and find a person with a rifle killing off walkers surrounding her. You run over and take a walker out that was getting ready to bite her. She turns around and looks at you in shock.

Woman: You! Your one of those brats that did this!

She aims her rifle at you and gets ready to fire. You dodge to the right to avoid the shot. It rings out into the night. You ram a Walker to the ground in the process of dodging. You move away from it and look back at the woman. She has readjusted her aim and is preparing to shoot you.

Just before she shoots, she starts to scream. The scream of someone dying and knowing there's nothing they can do. A walker has dug its teeth into her ankle. Soon she is swarmed by more than she can handle. The screaming continuing through it all, until a Walker takes a chunk out of her throat.

You use the opportunity to sneak past the bulk of the Walkers, avoiding the ones that are fixed on you. Who did that woman think you were? Was she on the right side, or the wrong side? The line between the two has grown very thin, but it's still a line, nonetheless.

You: I need to be careful. I don't know who I can trust.

You mutter to yourself as you jog towards the wreckage of the ship.

You come close and slow down. You see a group of people near the front of the ship. They look young, but they might be the people who did this.

You: I need to keep my distance. I don't know their intentions yet.

Unknown: You talk to yourself often?

A voice comes from behind you. You turn around. A man holds a pistol aimed at you.

You: Well, yeah. Kind of something you pick up when you're alone all the time.

Man: Shut the hell up! Where are they going to go? Back to the school?

You: Yeah.

You lie. You're trying to get an opportunity.

Man: Where's all your stuff?

You: I don't have anything.

Man: Yeah right.

He chuckles a bit, but his guard is down just long enough for you to grab him. You've learned that when you grab someone's face, they instinctively try to pull it off. You use the opportunity to rip the gun from him with your free hand and aim it at him. He puts his hands up.

Man: Do it... You fucks already took everything else from us.

You: I have no idea what you're talking about, but from what I can tell you aren't the type of people who treat strangers well. You probably had it coming.

Man: Fuck you!

He lunges at you, but you shoot him right before he reaches you. The bullet goes through his chest and he stumbles backwards; falling to the ground holding the fresh wound. You walk over and put another bullet through his head.

You can see the walkers heading toward you and move away to prevent getting caught. You hide behind a tree and see the walkers start to tear away at the man. You check the magazine of the pistol and see that it has five bullets left in it.

You: Should be enough.

You look back towards the boat just in time to see a few people slip into a little cave, Walkers following close behind.

You: Shit. Can't follow them with Walkers right behind them.

You look around trying to figure out the best course of action. Walkers are everywhere.

You: Where'd they all come from?... It'd be best if I found a place to lay low for a while.

You slowly move through the thick trees trying to find somewhere to stay. A few Walkers get in your path along the way, but you avoid them. The sun begins to rise and small rays of light peak through the leaves of the trees. The light helps illuminate a small path not far from you. You move to it and investigate.

As you walk down it you start to hear running water. You follow the path more to find a shack.

You: Perfect.

A small smile appears on your face. You walk inside to find a bed and no food.

You: No food... Great. Might as well get some rest.

You lay down in the bed and close your eyes. Your stomach calling out for food as you try to sleep. Eventually you clear your head enough to fall asleep.


A sudden jolt wakes you. You shoot up to find three people standing around you, weapons raised.

Unknown: Who the fuck are you?!

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now