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You still didn't sleep. Still worried that you'd suffer through another nightmare. You sat in the silent dark for the remainder of the night. Nothing but your thoughts to keep you company, but good thoughts. Clementine made sure of that.

The sun had just begun to peak out when you heard a on knock on the door. You slowly walked to it and pulled it open. Eleanor and Kate were standing on the other side.

Kate: Good morning.

You put a finger up to your mouth to tell them to keep it down.

Kate: Sorry.

You: You're fine. Good morning.

Eleanor: Are you feeling alright?

You: Yeah.

Eleanor: Good, can I see Clementine?

You: She's sleeping.

Eleanor: Well, how is she?

You: She's fine as well.

Eleanor: I'm going to need you guys to swing by the infirmary later today if you can.

You: Alright.

Kate: Are you guys going to come to the concert tonight.

You: I don't know. We haven't discussed it yet.

Kate: Feel free to. I hope to see you guys out and about today.

You: Alright.

Eleanor: It would be good for you guys to walk around a little bit.

You: I'll keep it in mind.

Eleanor nods at you and walks away.

Kate: I know this sounds fast, but would you be willing to fight for us? We need fighters to protect ourselves and you're young and obviously capable.

You: You want me to fight for you? You don't even know me.

Kate: If you're a friend of Clem's, then you're a friend of ours.

Clem: He can't

You turn to see Clem coming out of her room. Her hair is a little more messy than usual.

Kate: Good morning.

Clem: He can't fight for you.

Kate: Oh.

You: Sorry.

Kate: Don't feel bad about it. We'll find you something else.

Clem: Wasn't Eleanor supposed to be coming?

Kate: She did, but she just left.

Clem: Oh.

Kate: I better get going too. See you guys around.

You shut the door after Kate leaves and turn to Clem.

Clem: Did you sleep well?

You: Yeah.

You reach up and start fixing her hair.

You: Clearly you did.

She smiles at you.

Clem: What did you guys talk about?

You: Eleanor needs us to swing by the infirmary later, and Kate wants us to get outside today.

Clem: What about that concert?

You: I really don't wanna go.

Clem: Me either, but you don't get to go to a concert very often anymore.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now