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Unknown: Who the fuck are you?!

A blonde says. She looks rough. Next to her is a little boy with an afro. The other one has moved behind you; you didn't get a good look at them. You stand up and raise your hands. Keeping your movements and expression calm.

Blonde girl: Answer the question or we'll kill you!

You: I'm Y/N. Im not going to hurt you.

Blonde girl: Are you with the Delta?

You: The who?

Blonde girl: Don't play dumb!

You: Wow. Sorry, I don't know who they are.

Blonde girl: Why should we believe you?

You think for a second trying to come up with a way to get them to trust you. You need the food.

You: There's a gun under the pillow with five rounds in it. I took it from a guy last night near a sinking ship.

The blonde girl looks at the person behind you with a shocked expression. You hear him reach under the pillow and pull the pistol out.

You: I could have shot you if I really wanted to, but I don't want to hurt you.

Blonde girl: You could be lying.

You: But I'm n-

You're cut off by a hard hit to the back of your head. Everything goes black.


You slowly come to, and immediately feel the consequence of the hit to your head.

You: Oh, that really hurts.

You try and reach your hand up to your head, but realize you are tied to a chair. You groan in pain.

You: This is wonderful.

You look around to survey the room. There isn't much; just old machinery that doesn't work anymore, and some pipes is all you can see. A little light peaks in through a window near the ceiling.

You: Must be in a basement.

You begin to dislocate your thumb to get free, but you hear the slamming of a door somewhere else. Soon footsteps begin coming your way. You stop and look towards them. The blonde girl soon peaks around the corner.

Blonde girl: You're up. Good.

You stay silent.

Blonde girl: So, Y/N, do you have any more Delta friends hiding nearby?

You: I still don't know what you're talking about.

The Blonder girl punches you in the stomach and you bend over, groaning in pain.

Blonde girl: Stop! Just tell me and I'll make sure you die quick.

You look up at her and chuckle.

You: No matter what I do, you won't believe me. Am I wrong?

Blonde girl: Why else would you be in our shack right after what happened last night?

You: I was walking through the woods looking for a place that would have food. Haven't eaten in three days now. I heard an explosion and went to check it out. Found a boat blowing up; a ton of Walkers surrounding it. I tried to see if anyone needed help. Some woman tried killing me, then some guy as well. I decided it'd be best if I got away from the scene and wait for the Walkers to disband or something. Found the shack, decided it was as good a place as any.

She squints at me trying to figure out whether I'm lying or not.

Blonde girl: I'm Violet. I don't know if I can trust you, but we're going to keep you until the leader is back on her fe-

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now