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No POV...

Unknown: HAHA! The puny one can fight!

Ares: Fuck off Heracles. You know this.

Heracles: But I'm so proud of you!

Heracles headbutts Ares, causing Ares to stumble back and hold his head in pain.

Heracles: HAHA!

Ares: Cut that shit out!

Deimos: Both of you stop... We have important matters to discuss.

Everyone moves to their seats around a small, run down table. The room is lit by candles but is still dark and dingy.

Unknown Woman: With all of our major enemys dead, we are free to do what we want. We can now move to recruiting or killing the smaller groups.

Unknown Man: Yes, Ate... My pets will love eating them.

This man has a weird voice that sounds like the hissing of a snake. He's also covered in blood and guts.

Ate: They will get their turn after Ares and Athena, Thanatos.

Thanatos: My pets are much better at getting the job done.

Athena: Fuck you Thanatos.

Thanatos: I would love that.

Athena: Why do we keep him around?

Ares: Amen.

Deimos: He is useful.

Ares: Eh.

Deimos: Tomorrow morning, Ares and Athena will go out scouting. We suspect there are a few small groups dug in around here.

He points to a map on the wall.

Deimos: I expect you to find something. Don't come back until you do.

Athena: Yeah, whatever.

Ares stays quiet.

Deimos: I expect a response.

Ares jolts a little as Deimos sends a small electric burst from Ares' mask through his body.

Ares: Sure, fuck you.

Heracles: HAHA! Can't even handle a little shock!

Ares: Let's give you this stupid mask and see how you fair.

Deimos: Ares and Athena...

He waits for them to give him their attention.

Deimos: To your room.

Athena: But Dad...

She jokes. They stand up and walk from the room with Heracles close behind. They turn into a small room with two beds on either side, a toilet, a sink, and a shower (which is really just a bucket with a few water bottles beside it).

Heracles: I will come to let you out in the morning.

He shuts the door and bolts it countless times.

Ares: I don't understand why they need so many locks.

Athena: We would escape otherwise.

Ares: We do all the work.

Athena: I know.

She lays down on her bed.

Ares: I'm gonna shower first then.

Athena: What?!

Ares: You know the rule, first one to lay down goes second.

Athena: That's not the rule.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now