New Year /Eve Special

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This is going to continue from the Christmas Special. Obviously, a week after Christmas. Ended the last one with the start of the apocalypse... Happy New Year!!

Clem: I think it's close to midnight.

You: Probably, why?

Clem: It's New Years Eve.

You: I'm not sure that it matters anymore.

Clem: We have to do something. We haven't had any time for fun in the past week.

You: We're too busy surviving.

Clem: Come on.

You: I'll kiss you whenever you think it's midnight.

Clem: We could do more.

You: The Walkers will hear us.

Clem: Come on Y/N. You can't let the apocalypse ruin your fun nature. You've been so cold and dark since it started.

You: I've had to do cold and dark things to make sure you all survive.

There's a knock on the door.

You: Bet you're glad I said no now.

Clem: Eh.

You open the door and Eri rushes in.

You: What?

You asked her, confused by her barging in.

Eri: There's people here.

You: Where?

Eri: They got through the barricade we made and came right in.

You: And you left AJ by himself?

Eri: He's hidden well. I had to sneak over and get you.

You: Clem, get the gun.

Clem: It's out of ammo!

You: They don't know that.

Clem: You'll get yourself killed.

You: Then I'll distract them, and you can get AJ, and your parents while I am.

Clem: Y/N...

You: I'll be fine.

Clem: But what if-

You: Then you'll survive.

She starts to cry. You wrap her in a tight hug.

You: I love you.

Clem: Y/N.

You: Eri, go get the gun, it's in the closet.

Eri: Ok.

Eri gets the gun and walks it over to you.

You: Thank you.

Clementine wraps her arms around tighter.

You: Let go.

Clem: No.

You: Clem...

She doesn't listen.

You: Eri.

Eri walks forward and helps you pry her off. She starts to struggle and cry louder.

You: Keep her safe.

Eri: I promise. Love you bro.

You: Love ya sis.

You walk out of the motel room and onto the balcony. You crouch low and look at the group of six. You grip the rifle close to you. There are a few people that look to be in their twenties and an older gentleman.

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