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You can barely see in front of you because of the rain. And, thanks to the distractions, you didn't get to see the damage done by the tornado. That would have been cool to see, but you have more pressing matters.

Aj takes down a walker a few feet ahead of you. You're lagging behind, feeling the effects of the blood loss taking its toll. You probably have enough time to make it back.

Aj: Are you alright?!

He's concerned.

You: Yeah!

You aren't, but you want to keep him calm.

Aj: This way!

You've been following the scratches you put in the trees. You didn't realize how far you went.

You start to shiver. You're completely soaked in rain water. On top of being cold, you're being weighed down by your soaked clothes.

Aj: We're almost there!

You: Good.

You collapse to the ground and lay on your back.

Aj: Y/N!

You: No! Go get the others!

He hesitates, but runs off eventually. You stay there, close your eyes, and focus on the rain slamming into your body. It stings, but not too bad. A hand places itself on your left shoulder.

Javier: Come on!

You open your eyes and look at him. He looks slightly worried. You get up with his help and he helps you to where everyone else is.

Javier: What happened?!

You: I'll- explain it later!

You can see the vans parked around a central location next to each other, and the top of a small, event tent in between them. You walk around and into the shelter of the tent. Everyone looks worried.

Javier: Ruby should already be ready for you.

He helps you over to the van on the right. He opens the door to Clementine, Ruby, and Aj in the back.

Clem: Oh thank God!

You can tell she's been crying. They probably saw the tornado, and then Aj coming back without you probably set her off again.

Ruby: Come on.

Ruby takes you from Javier and helps you in. Aj shuts the door behind you.

Ruby: Did it go through?

You: Yeah.

Ruby: Good.

She starts unwrapping the sleeve you have tied around your wound.

Ruby: I'm going to cut your shirt off, ok?

You: Ok.

She cuts it off of you.

Ruby: Alright, Clem. Apply some pressure to both sides while I get everything ready.

Clementine presses a towel to both sides of your arm. You look at her and see how worried she is. You give her the best smile you can, it's a weak one but it's something.

You: I got Aj back alright.

She smiles at you, but doesn't say anything.

Ruby: You can let go now Clem.

She lets go and Ruby comes in with another small rag. It has alcohol on it, and it stings. You scrunch up your face, but don't make any noise. She does the same to the exit wound.

Ruby: I'm going to stitch up the front now.

You: I hate needles.

Ruby: Would you rather it be cauterized?

You: No, that's way worse.

Ruby: Didn't think so.

You close your eyes and wait for Ruby to start. You feel the needle make its way into your arm and through the other side of the wound. The string moving through the hole after, feels awkward, and you hate it.

You tough it out and wait for it to be over. Focusing on the pitter patter of the rain on the van.

Ruby: Turn around.

You turn around and she does the same thing on your back.

Aj: Y/N?

You look over at him.

Aj: I'm sorry.

You: For what?

Aj: I should have helped you fight those guys.

You: No. I told you to stay hidden and I wouldn't change my decision, ever.

Aj: But I could've helped.

You: You were in- ow- no state to be fighting anyone.

Aj: What do you mean?

You: You were pretty shaken up by the tornado.

Aj: It was scary.

You: I know.

Ruby: All done.

She places a large bandage over each side and then gives you a shirt.

Ruby: Come on, Aj. Let's give them some space.

She opens the door and ushers Aj out.

Ruby: You need to rest.

You: Alright.

She nods at you and shuts the door.

Clem: How close?

You turn to her.

You: Huh?

Clem: How close was the tornado?

She's about to cry.

You: You don't want to know.

Now the tears are falling down her face.

You: We made it back.

She gently hugs you and puts her head on your left shoulder, crying into it. She's crying hard. You use the little movement you have in your right arm, and put it on her back, rubbing up and down. You let her sit like that for a few minutes until she's done.

She lifts her head up and looks at you. There's so much water in them.

You: I love you.

Clem: I was so worried. I saw the tornado, and-

She starts to cry, a little, again.

You: I made sure we would make it.

You look at her as she tries to recover.

You: We can talk about this another time. Right now, I'd like to take a nap, and you are in no condition to talk.

Clem: Can I stay?

You: You should spend time with Aj.

Clem: I don't want him and everyone else to see me so vulnerable.

You give her a small smile.

You: Ok... You can stay.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now