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Stepping outside you hear the gunfire in the distance. It seems to have spread. People run down the street towards you; away from the fighting.

You reach for your knife. It's not on your side, which means you left it in the room.

You: Of course.

Someone nearby runs past you with a pistol resting in their pants.

You: Hey! You're gun, give it to me!

You quickly move over to them.

Unknown: What?! Why?! I need to protect myself!

You: If you don't plan on going and fighting, then give it to me.

Unknown: No way man!

You: Fine.

You grab it from them before they move. They realize and kick towards your leg. You move out of the way, pull the gun up, and aim it at them.

You: I'm taking the gun to use it.

Unknown: That's mine, give it back!

You: I'm going to safe your people. Now fuck off!

You turn to move to the fighting and hear him coming at you. You spin around and back hand him with your new, steel arm. He drops to the ground; knocked out probably. You hold up your arm and look for damage. There's not a scratch.

You: I like this thing.

You run towards the shooting. It's all over the place, so you just run until you find something.

A women hides her children behind her in an alleyway begging for her life. The Olympian is hesitating, giving you plenty of time to stop them.

They don't notice you until the last second. You've set your pistol on the ground, not wanting to use ammo yet. They try to aim their gun. You jump onto a wall to the left to push yourself off,and give yourself more power. You send you steel arm right into their face. You hear something crack.

They hit the ground with a thud. You grab their rifle and sling it over your shoulder. You grab the pistol from the ground and hold it, ready for anything.

Woman: Th-thank you.

The mother says between heavy breaths. You don't stop, and keep moving.

You: Get somewhere safe until this is over.

You run out of the alley and back towards the fighting.

You hear three quick shots in a building nearby. You run in to check it out. You raise the pistol up, and rest your wrist on your steel arm for extra support.

Someone is walking towards you from around a corner. You get on the edge and wait for then to get close before attacking.

You swing around the corner and whip your pistol at them. They dodge back and you hit the wall.

Unknown: New guy! Settle down!

You: You're not an Olympian?

Unknown: I'm Cayde.

You: Funny, I've killed someone named Cayde.

You massage your hand, knowing you'll have to put the pain in the back of your mind in a few short seconds.

Cayde: You're not good at first impressions.

You: There were Olympians in here?

Cayde: Yeah, I took of em.

You turn around to hurry out of the building to help more.

Cayde: You know how far they've moved out from the entrance?

You: No. Just killing them when I find them.

Cayde: I'm making sure they don't get to far away from the entrance. That's where the leader and a bunch of bad guys are.

You: Leader?

Cayde: Some dude with a mask and wearing chains. Trying to look cool I guess. Gotta tell ya not a fan.

You step out of the building. A large group of people fight just down the street from you.

Cayde: Guess it spread.

You aim your pistol and run in. Cayde doesn't follow you.

You quickly shoot three through the head that have someone on the ground, kicking the shit out of them. You don't look to see if they're alright, seeing multiple people clock you and run at you with melee weapons.

The first one gets to you and swings a knife your direction, you dodge back into another person. They grab you as others charge. You angle the pistol enough to fire a shot. It goes through the arm of the one grabbing you. Blood splashes onto your face as the bullet exits. He lets go, you spin around, and shoot him in the head.

Turning around you see the three have formed a half circle around you.

You: I have a gun you stupid fucks.

You shoot one in the head and the other two run at you. You get another in the head, and aim at the last one, but they're too close. They swing they're knife down at your neck, trying to stab you, with their right arm. You raise you steel arm and block it. They recoil in pain, having just slammed their arm into steel.

You: Yikes! That's gotta suck bro.

You shoot him in the head.

Unknown: Fall back!

Someone yells out. It sounds like Sam. The people start running into the city.

You: That's gonna fuck you!

They run past you; the Olympians regrouping.

You: Nah fuck that.

You drop the pistol and pull out the rifle. You get on a knee, rest your steel arm on your other knee, and use it to support the rifle. You pull the trigger and unload into the group. They start dropping like flies.

When you're out of ammo you throw the gun to the side. People start charging you, but not together. That's their downfall.

The first one takes a back hand to the jaw with your steel arm. The next takes a quick punch to the face, stunning them. You grab their knife from their pants and bring it into their temple. You pull it out as the next two reach you. You kick one's knee at a wrong angle and they fall to the ground screaming. The other swings a metal bat at you. You swing your steel arm at it and it sends a vibration through your body. It messes up your movement for a second, but you shake it off before the other guy does. He's still shaken by it. You throw the knife into his forehead, even though he isn't far. You just need to prepare for the next person.

The next one is aiming a gun at you, so you grab the guy with a broken leg, using him as a shield.

Unknown: STOP!

The gun is lowered as someone steps forward. He wears a mask, just like you did. Chains, just like you did. A shotgun on his back, throwing knives on his shoulders.

Ares: Found you.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now