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You see the shotgun you used to kill the community a few days ago. You grab it from its spot on the wall, and check if it is loaded.

Athena: They don't know we're here.

You: I hope you're right.

The door swings open and Heracles comes charging in. He slams into Athena and knocks her to the ground. You point the shotgun at him and get ready to pull the trigger.

Ate: I wouldn't do that.

She has a pistol pointed at you and Deimos has a gun pointed at Athena. You slowly lower the gun.

Ate: You want to come with us or be forced?

You don't answer.

Heracles: Give me that.

He reaches for the shotgun and grabs it but doesn't point it away from himself. You pull the trigger and a hole replaces where his stomach used to be. Deimos aims his gun at you along with Ate.

You: Oops.

Deimos: We should just kill him here.

Ate: Not yet. There's no way out for him.

Athena kicks Deimos' leg out from under him and gets up and around his neck. Her right arm is wrapped around it and the other one is trying to pull the gun from his hand. You aim the shotgun at Ate.

Ate: Don't try it.

You: Let us go, and we let you live.

Ate: You are in no position to make demands.

You: It sure looks like we are.

Ate: There is an entire community out there ready to kill you.

You: Uh hu. We can take em.

Deimos finally loses his grip on the gun his hand Athena presses it against his skull.

Athena: I'll kill him.

Ate thinks for a moment before lowering her weapon.

Ate: I will let you go free from in here, but it is up to you to get through the people.

There's a loud bang as Deimos drops to the floor.

Ate: Why did you do that?!

You: I said we would let YOU live.

Athena: He deserved worse, but we don't have time for that.

She stands up and walks past Ate.

Athena: Later bitch.

You slowly follow Athena after she leaves the room.

Ate: Do not think that this will keep me from coming after you, Ares.

You: Not really that scared to be honest.

You get one step out of the door.

You: Hey, can you give me that pistol too?

Ate: No.

You aim your shotgun at her again.

Ate: Fine.

She throws it to you, and you catch it. The top of it is in your palm so you flip it over to hold it correctly.

You: A little going away present.

You aim and pull the trigger. The bullet enters Ate's knee. She screams in pain as she drops to hold it. You turn and leave with no remorse.

Your leg is feeling slightly better, but still hurts. You limp on your way to Athena. She's standing by the front door. You holster the pistol.

Athena: What did you do?

You: She'll never walk the same.

Athena: Went for the knee?

You: Went for the knee.

Athena: Well, we're going to have to fight our way out of here.

You: Let's do it.

Athena opens the door quickly and raises her pistol as she exits. You follow her with your shotgun raised. There's no one outside.

Athena: The hell?

Not a single noise that indicates where they are.

You: This is a trap.

Athena: No shit.

You: Let's go out the back way. Then we can round back and go to the factory.

Athena: Keep your eyes peeled.

The two of you walk towards the back entrance constantly looking around. Just waiting for something to pop out, but it doesn't. You get to the exit and there isn't any sign of life.

Athena: There's no way they aren't covering this.

You: Maybe they thought we would just go through the front entrance and be done with it.

Athena: They're not that du-

There's a splitting pain in your left arm. Everything seems to go in slow motion as the pain overwhelms you. You hear the sound of a gun a few seconds after your hit. You look down at your left arm and see it dangling. The muscle barely holding it onto your body. Blood pours out of your mangled arm and falls to the ground.

Athena: Fuck!

She grabs you and pulls you to cover, where you sit down with your back on it.

Athena: Fucking sniper.

The sound of people coming fills your ears as you try to manage the pain.

Athena: Why the fuck are you not screaming? It's worrying me.

You can't. You're so focused on staying awake and trying not to think about the pain that you can't make a single noise.

Athena: Here.

She rips off her sleeve and tries to wrap it around your arm, but fails miserably

Athena: Aw, ffffuck.

You're feeling lightheaded. You feel your body start to sway slightly.

Athena: Stop that.

Your eyes feel heavy and begin to fall. You try your hardest to keep them open, but they can't be stopped.

Athena: Hey, stop!

Your eyes slam shut.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now