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You're sitting in the backseat of the car as it barrels towards your destination. Bleeding out of all your open wounds and you feel a little lightheaded. Your body aches from all the stress you've put it through. From the low amounts of food and water, to the injuries you've acquired.

Charlie keeps glancing back at your through the rear-view mirror with a worried look on his face. He's driving now because the original died during the gunfight. Clementine has also been periodically looking at you, but her worried look is different than Charlie's.

You: Either of you have something to say? Or are you just going to keep looking at me?

Charlie: Nothing.

Charlie answers quickly.

Clem: I'm just worried about you, that's all. Making sure you're still alive.

You go to looking out the window and see the large buildings of a city surrounding you.

Charlie: We're almost there. Just a few more turns.

Clem: Good.

Charlie: Hey Y/N, could you give me that rifle. It'll make the guards at the gate a little nervous because they don't know you.

You: Yeah.

You put the rifle in the passenger seat.

Charlie: How many shots does it have?

You: Probably around a full clip.

Charlie: How?

You: I didn't shoot it.

Charlie: You didn't shoot?

You: Nope.

Charlie: You killed-

Clem: Hey, there's the gate!

She interrupted when she noticed you getting a little anxious.

You pull up to the gate and everyone steps out of their cars. You and Clem stay put; neither of you can walk that well. You hear the people outside talking to the guards, but you can't make out what they're saying.

Clem: You want to talk about it?

You: Talk about what?

Clem: You mentioned that you don't like killing, and you just killed a bunch of people back there.

You: There's nothing to talk about.

Clem: Well, I'm here when you're ready.

You: Mhm.

You avoided eye contact with her the entire conversation. You can't look at her.

Charlie opens the car door on Clem's side.

Charlie: Come on. We have to park the cars and you two need to go to the infirmary.

He helps Clementine out of the car, and you struggle out of your side. Someone comes over to help and grabs you, but you push them away.

You: I'm fine.

You limp and stumble along a little behind Clem and Charlie. Your vision is going blurry and your hearing is fading. You start to fall, time slows, and you hit the ground, what feels like, an eternity later. You see Clem turn around and start to come over to you, but you pass out before she can get to you.


You slowly wake up and see the ceiling above you. You can feel the new clothes on your body. The room smells of sanitary supplies.

You groan as you sit up. You can see that it's dark outside through the windows. You look down to see your wrists heavily bandaged and your wounds stitched and cleaned. All the blood covering you is gone.

You see Clementine asleep on another bed not too far away from you. Her wrists are bandaged as well, her entire body bruised still, blood cleaned off.

Unknown: Didn't expect to see you up for a few days.

You turn to see someone standing in the doorway.

Unknown: Relax, I'm just the doctor.

They noticed how on edge you were.

Unknown: My name is Eleanor.

You: Y/N.

Eleanor: Clementine told us. The burns on Clementine your wrists are severe. It'll take a while to heal.

You: Anymore you need to tell me?

Eleanor: Your bullet wounds aren't that bad. Just don't open them back up and you'll be fine.

You: Thanks.

Eleanor: She's going to be excited you're awake. She wouldn't let us treat her until we were done with you.

You look over to see Clem's eyebrow furrowed while she's still asleep.

Eleanor: It's been a while, but she's changed from the last time I saw her.

You: How?

Eleanor: Well, she used to be angry all the time. Ran around on her own thinking she didn't need anyone. Did what she wanted. She's grown since then, and it shows.

Clem is the only person you've ever met who really understand you. She said she was just like you, but to hear it from someone else is different.

Eleanor: Well, I'll leave you to rest.

You: Thanks.

You lay back down and close your eyes. Trying to let everything go.


Violet: Shit.

Ruby: This is awful.

Louis: We should get out of here.

They stumbled upon the bodies of John's group that you killed.

Omar: We should get moving. Whoever did this might be nearby.

Violet: Yeah, but we need to find a place to settle down for the night.

Aasim: I don't really want to sleep anymore.

Louis: Yeah, someone did this. Walkers don't do that.

AJ: Then let's go. I don't want to waste any more time.

Violet: Keep an eye out everyone.


After Y/N and Clementine's arrival...

Javi: Clementine is back.

Kate: Really? Where is she, I want to see her.

Javi: She's in the infirmary. You can't go in there right now.

Kate: What happened?

Javi: John's community.

Kate: Oh god.

Javi: They're mostly out of the picture now though. Darren's group are going to finish off the last of them at their main base.

Kate: Can't wait until this war's over.

Javi: You and me both.

Kate: How bad is she hurt?

Javi: I'm not sure, they wouldn't tell me much. Someone is hurt pretty bad though.

Kate: You don't know who.

Javi: Have no clue, but people have been talking about someone else showing up with her. He apparently collapsed before getting into the gate. Don't really know how true the story is, but I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Kate: I hope shes alright.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now