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You think a lot about Clementine while you're in the shower. About what she was saying last night. She's frustrated with you. Not wholly because of Gabe, but also because of how you've been. She wants to help you, but you're acting like you're still alone. Maybe you should apologize to her... Let her help.

You step out of the shower and wrap your wrists. They still look awful, but they're healing. Pain shoots through your arm as you tie the bandage too tight. You let out a weird hissing noise as you unwrap it quickly.

Clem: Wrap your wrist too tight?

You: Why are you at the door?

Clem: I finished breakfast.

You: I'll be out in a second.

You finish wrapping your wrists and put the rest of your clothes on. The new hoodie and t-shirt are the exact same as the old ones.

You: Would it kill you to get me a different set?

You mutter to yourself.

You walk out of the bathroom and see Clem and AJ waiting on you.

You: Where'd Violet go?

Clem: Her room to eat her own food.

You: Have you guys are already eaten?

AJ: No, we waited for you.

You: So, what is it?

Clem: Just some noodles.

You: That's too easy. AJ and I were going for something more complicated.

You tease her as you walk over to get some.

Clem: What were you guys making?

You: Pancakes.

Clem: Do you even know how to make pancakes?

You: I know they need flour. That's as far as we got.

You bring your noodles over to a table in the kitchen and sit down in front of AJ.

Clem: So, you were just going to throw things together and hope it worked.

You: Yeah.

AJ: It was fun.

Clem: I'm sure it was, but you wasted a bunch of flour.

You: Hey, the bag just split open.

You see Clementine struggling with the dish and her crutches.

You: Hey, I got it.

You hurry over and take the dish from her and walk back to the table. You set the bowl next to AJ and sit back down in your chair.

Clem: Thanks.

She carefully lowers herself into her chair.

You: These are pretty good.

Clem: Thanks. I could teach ya.

You: I'm an awesome cook. I don't need you to teach me.

Clem: Yeah, you're great at it.

She says in a sarcastic tone.

You: I know.

AJ: Where are your parents?

You look at AJ a bit confused.

You: What?

AJ: Where are your parents?

Clem: AJ, we don't just ask peop-

You: They're dead.

AJ: What happened?

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now