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You get to the top of the stairs with Brooklyn and see a long, wide, and empty hallway.

You: We have to search every room?

Brooklyn: I guess so.

You: I'll get the left then.

You walk to the first door on the left and open it slowly. There's no one inside.

You: Nope.

You leave it open, and walk to the next one. Nothing again.

Brooklyn: This is stupid. They're totally in one of the farther rooms.

You: Then we can go back there and start looking if you want.

Brooklyn: I do want to.

A sudden burst of pain radiates from where the screwdriver is. You grab the area around it and groan.

Brooklyn: Should have pulled it out.

You: Too risky. Gotta help you.

She beats you to the end of the hall.

Brooklyn: I hear the fuckers.

She runs over to a door and kicks it open. You follow behind her quickly. Someone jumps on your back before you enter though.

Cayde: New guy! You've looked better.

He grabs the screwdriver in you and wiggles it around. You quickly push him off and clench your side.

Cayde: Aww, did that hurt.

You: Nah, it tickled.

You take a step towards him and he draws a pistol on you.

Cayde: Not so fast. You want to see your girlfriend again don't you?

You stare at him, not moving a muscle.

Cayde: Tell me where they are, and you can see
her again. Right before I kill you both.

You: Fuck you.

Cayde: Huh. Well, I gave you the chance.

Something hits him in the face and covers him in blood. He steps back and spits.

Cayde: Ah! It's in my mouth!

You look at the ground to see the head of Zavala laying there.

Brooklyn: Maybe you should learn to shut it.

Brooklyn holds Ikora's bald head in her hand too.

You: Why'd you do that?

Brooklyn: Looks intimidating.

Cayde: Wow! You're brutal! This is why we wanted to kill you guys. Well, you were a slave, but we would have killed you eventually.

You: Should've let us be.

Cayde: Sam is too nice. He could never. We had to punish him for bringing all of you in. Went to kill off a few of you and then, POW! Pissed you off. That was a bad idea.

Brooklyn: You want to shoot yourself or let us kill you?

Cayde: I have a better idea.

He pulls something out of his pocket.

You: What's that?

Cayde: We had a failsafe for just incase.

You: So what is?

Brooklyn: Y/N, get out.

She drops Ikora's head to the ground and steps forward.

You: What?

Cayde: It's a detonator, new guy.

You: Your going to blow this place up with yourself in it.

Cayde: Bingo.

Brooklyn: Y/N. I'll handle it. Go outside.

You: Why would I do that?

Cayde: Worst case scenario: you die. But who knows, maybe you won't.

He pushes it and explosions start to shake the building. You look behind you and see explosion after explosion as the bombs detonate.

You hear an explosion to your right and get pushed to the ground by it. You look up to see the ceiling and the roof coming down on top of you. You hold your arms up to stop it, but it's no use.


Clem's POV...

I carry the last bit of food we can fit. We didn't get a lot, but it's enough for now.

Javier: Alright. Let's get going. They should be at the government building in the center of town.

Clem: How do you know that?

Louis: They said it in the tour, but you and Y/N were too busy chatting it up.

Clem: Fuck you.

There's an series of explosions. I turn and look at the rising smoke. Fear consumes me.

Javier: Let's go, we probably don't have long now.

I run to the front of my SUV and jump in the driver's seat. The engine hums to life as I turn the key.

Clem: Please be ok.

I mumble under my breath.

Aj: He's fine. He does this all the time.

Clem: I'm glad you think so.

Aj: Maybe he blew the building up.

Clem: I hope.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now