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You stretch as you open your eyes. You're immediately blinded by the light from the Sun shining through the window.

Clem: Finally, I was about to wake you up.

You: Finally? The Sun is just coming up.

Clem: Time is precious. Especially when we have stuff to do.

You: Guess you're right.

You stand up and pace around to get yourself ready.

Clem: I noticed you have a nasty scar on your hand.

You look down at your right and see the scarred flesh.

You: This?

You hold it up in the air towards her. She nods her head.

Clem: What happened?

You: I was being whipped with an awful whip. It had sharp glass and rocks lining it. I grabbed to take it away from the man whipping me. He tried to pull it away from me and it moved a little, but it was already stuck in my hand.

Clem: Why would they do that?

You: I killed two of their people. Sure, they had it coming, but I did do it.

Clem: What happened after you got the whip?

You start to fiddle with your hand awkwardly and look away from her.

You: I ran away.

Clem notices the way you're acting.

Clem: Yeah? Sounds like a lie to me.

You look up at her.

You: Don't know what you're talking about.

Clem: You killed him.

You look away again and slightly nod.

Clem: It's not like you haven't killed before.

You: I don't have to like it.

Clem: It was one guy. He was whipping you. You did what you had to.

You: There were twenty-three of them.

Clem: What?

You: There were twenty-three people there. I killed them all. They were out for justice because I killed some of their loved ones. I deserved it, but instead I killed them all.

Clem: You killed twenty-three people? By yourself?

You: Yeah.

There is a minute of silence with you still pacing around the room. It was a painful silence that tore through you. She thinks you're a monster.

Clem: I lost a finger.

Realizing how awful the silence was she change the subject.

You: Yeah, I saw that. I just didn't want to say anything.

Clem: It happened a while ago when it was just me and AJ. I got it caught in a car door.

You: How'd you manage that?

Clem: A Walker shut it on me.

You: Yikes.

Clem: Opened it and my finger was broken really bad. I had to cut it off.

You: Oh gosh. You'd think you would have a cooler story of losing your finger in the apocalypse.

Clem: What? I thought that was pretty cool.

You: You lost your finger to a car door.

Clem: Ok, I bet you have a scar on your body that doesn't have a cool story.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now