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You and Clem decided to stay in your room for the rest of the day. You both needed to rest, so you talked. You told stories about your pasts. Some funny, some happy, some sad.

Clem: We're a lot alike.

You: Except I brutally murder people.

Clem: You need to stop saying that.

You: It's true.

Clem: So stop making it true.

You: It's not that easy.

Clem: You're right, but I'm here to help you.

You: Yeah, thanks.

There's a knock on the door.

Clem: Come in!

The door opens and Kate and Javier walk in.

Kate: Hey, how are you guys?

Clem: We're good.

Javier: We haven't seen you since this morning. We thought we'd check on you.

You: We thought it would be good to rest today.

Kate: With those injuries that was smart.

Javier: I think you'd like to know that we finished off those people. We had a team storm their main community. They liberated the place, so you won't have to worry about them anymore. I don't know if we would have been able to if you hadn't have stopped John, Y/N.

Charlie must have blabbed.

You: Oh, yeah.

Your voice drops to a depressed, emotionless tone. Clem notices and puts a hand on your back.

Javier: Did I say something wrong?

Clem: When we heal up, are you guys going to put us to work?

Clementine ignores him and changes the subject.

Kate: Yeah, we'll give you something that doesn't involve standing. And Y/N we don't know much about you, so we haven't really got a clue where to put you.

You: We need to find the rest of our group.

Javier: Right. You guys can go out and find them then come back. We'll keep your room warm for you.

Clem: Thanks. You know when we're good to leave.

Javier: Probably whenever you want. But I'd wait a few days.

Clem: No, you wouldn't. If it was Kate out there, you'd already be gone.

Kate: She's not wrong.

Clem: We are going to wait a few days. Y/N will probably end up carrying me and he can't really do that right now.

Javier: Well just enjoy yourselves then. We've got a band playing in the main plaza tomorrow if you want to go.

Clem: A band?

Javier: It keeps people happy. Helps them forget about everything.

Clem: Right. We might go.

Kate: Hope to see you there. I'll come check on you guys in the morning with Eleanor. We'll leave you alone for now.

Javier: Yeah, sleep well.

Clem: Thanks.

They walk out of the room.

Clem: If it makes you feel better, I don't think he told them about what happened. Just that you killed John.

You: I don't care. I know what happened, and so do you.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now