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You walk out of the building into the dark outdoors. Nothing to light your way but the moon. You can see the gate from where your standing, two guards stand atop it, ready for anything. A small light is all they have.

You don't walk far from the building. You find a small grassy area nearby and lay down. You look up at the night sky. It's been a while since you've been able to relax and stare at the stars. You close your eyes and take in a deep breath. There's a hint of rotting flesh in the air, but that's just part of the world now.

You hear someone coming, but you keep your eyes closed. You hear her grunt as she lays down on your right side. You look over to see Clementine looking up at the sky with you now.

You: Why aren't you in bed resting?

Clem: I could ask you the same thing.

You: True.

Clem: You opened my door and it woke me up. I thought I'd see what you wanted and caught you leaving, so I followed you.

You: Just needed some air.

Clem: You couldn't sleep, could you?

You: No, I could.

Clem: Then why are you awake.

You: Bad dreams. I don't want to go back to sleep.

Clem: Can I ask what they were about?

You stay silent for a minute and admire the stars.

You: They've been about you.

Clem: Me? Then why are they bad?

You chuckle a little.

You: There's a different you there. She's been there in all of them. She's basically the opposite of you. Her face is cold and dark, her eyes are dead looking, and she has both legs.

Clem: I envy her.

You: She's awful. She taunts me and constantly reminds me that I'm going to get you killed.

Clem: That's not true.

You: Yes, it is.

Clem: Can you tell me what happened in your dreams?

You: The first one was when we got here. Before I woke up in the middle of the night. I was asked to come to the gate where a large group of people were. I thought they were a threat, so I shot all of them. Come to find out it was all the people I've gotten killed or killed myself. They all had bullet holes in their heads. Then I found Violet, Louis, all of em. AJ was lying next to you. You all had a hole in your chest. You got up. Told me I would get you all killed. Then anyone who hasn't died yet rose up and came at me. You bit me, and the guards on the gate sprayed the rest down. You kept biting and biting until someone stopped you and I was shot.

Clem: Y/N-

You: The second one was while you were showering. Your evil twin was there. We were in a field, and I could see a hill in the distance. She took me over to it and showed me that it was covered in tombstones. The top was where my family and Grant's family laid. Eri had the biggest one. But there was a pile of them next to the hill. People who were still alive, but I was bound to kill. Your tombstone was massive. You told me that when I killed you and the tombstone was put up that I would go insane. Then we argued and I woke up.

Tears streak down the side of your face. You can feel Clem's eyes burrowing into your soul, but you keep looking at the sky.

You: The third one was just now. I was just a spectator with your evil twin. Watching three different scenes play out. It started with us arguing. You were trying to help me, but I wouldn't let you. I wanted to go kill someone and you stood in the doorway. You told me I'd have to kill you to get through. That's what I did. I killed you and walked away. Your evil twin had to comment, and then we moved to the next scene. We were in the forest where I killed John. Except I hadn't and you showed up. He killed you in front of me just like I killed his wife. I was too weak to fight, but I tried to kill anyone I could. John stabbed me in the throat. I tore it out as I died and stuck in his side. I got you killed Do you remember me telling you about my hand? When I got whipped.

Clem: Yeah.

You: The final scene was that. Except everyone was you. I killed twenty-three of you, some brutally. The last you called me a monster just like they did that night. It hurt more coming from you. Then I woke up and came to check on you. I've been hearing the evil you all day. I even saw you turn into her for a split second.

Clem: Oh Y/N. I'm not going anywhere, and you're not going to get me killed.

You: I almost have Too many times.

Clem: You saved me in the school, you protected me while we were out in the wild, you took some of that awful liquid for me, you kept my spirits up, and you went after John to make sure he paid for what he'd done. You won't let me die; I've already realized that. There's no way you'll kill me, and no way you'll get me killed.

You: I just can't lose anyone else.

Clem: Loss is a part of life, especially now Look at me.

You finally look at her. She's giving you a reassuring smile.

Clem: I've survived a lot. I'm not going to let some punk who showed up at my doorstep one day, get me killed.

You: So, I'm a punk now.

Clem: You always were.

She leans over and kisses you. Her lips are warm and comforting.

Clem: That's fucking disgusting.

You ignore the voice. Enjoying the moment with Clementine. She pulls away after a few seconds, that feel like an eternity. Your body is filled with a warmth that you havent felt before.

Clem: Do you feel better now?

You: Yeah... Yeah, I think I do.

Clem: Good, let's go back up to the room and get some rest.

You: Yeah alright.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now