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You: That didn't answer my question. Who are you?

Unknown: You stole from my group many years ago.

You: You're gonna have to be more specific. I've done that plenty of times.

Unknown: It was two years ago. We were set up in a school. You ended up getting the rest of my group killed because we didn't have the stuff you stole.

You: Oh yeah! I don't remember you being there, but I remember the school.

Unknown: My people brought you here because they thought you were spies. Then I saw you and thought that I could get my revenge while also getting all the information you stole out of you.

You: You know how many times people have tried to get revenge on me? It always ends badly for them.

Unknown: You're in chains.

You: For now.

Unknown: Now, what were you and your little girlfriend doing?

You: I counter with, you still haven't told me your name.

The man punches you in the gut. It knocks the wind right out of you.

Unknown: This is no time for games.

You: I just wanna get to know you better, pal.

Unknown: John. Now tell me what you two were doing.

You: Surviving.

John punches you in the gut again.

John: Don't lie to me!

You: Hahh... I'm not.

John: If you don't want to talk then I'll make you. An hour in here alone should do the trick.

You: A whole hour alone. That gives me plenty of time to escape.

John has walked over to a desk and picked up a lighter.

John: You'll be too busy screaming.

You: Yeah?

John: Yeah.

He reaches up to the buckets hanging right above the chains and lights a small fire in each of them.

John: Good luck.

He waves his hand and walks out of the room.

You quickly dislocate your thumb and try to pull your arm through, but it doesn't work. It just hurts.

You: Let's find another way then.

You snap your thumb back in place and look around. You don't see anything close enough to grab. You look up to see something peaking over the edge one of the buckets.

You: What the hell?

It drops out of the bucket and lands on your wrist. It burns.

You: What the hell is that?

It sizzles as it eats your skin away.


You try and get it off your wrist using the chain, but there's nothing you can do. It drips out of the other bucket and onto you opposite wrist. Now you have some weird liquid burning into both of your wrists.

You: Holy shit!

You breathe heavily and grunt. You don't see a way out of this.


John: How was it?

You're tired and still in pain. You've resulted to heavy breathing over yelling.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now