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You open your eyes and sit up. Clementine is still asleep, but the sun is up. You slowly get out of the bed. Being careful not to rouse her. You plant your feet on the ground softly with every step towards the door. You turn the knob and crack it open. It creaks slightly. You open it quickly hoping it makes less noise. You're correct, and you step out of the room. You turn around and do the same thing as you shut it; stopping before you slam it shut.

AJ: Hey Y/N.

You: Still an early riser.

You turn to see him sitting on the couch.

AJ: I like this place. The sho- showa...

You: Shower.

AJ: Shower right, I like it.

You: It is nice.

AJ: Clem showed me how to do it last night.

You: I saw.

AJ: Is she still mad at you?

You: How could anyone stay mad at me?

You give him a big smile and wink. He chuckles at you being goofy.

AJ: I knew you would get her out of the school.

You: I told you I would.

AJ: Everyone else thought you guys died, or you left her.

You: I wouldn't break a promise.

AJ: You even got the hat.

You: Now is that yours or hers?

AJ: She gave it to me, but it looks better on her. I'll keep it in here as a souve-

You: Souvenir. Almost lost it last time you did that.

AJ: Yeah, you're right. I think I'm going to make her keep wearing it.

You: You ever made food before?

AJ: No, but Omar is probably going to make some.

You: We have our own food. Which means we have to prepare our own food.

AJ: But Omar's good at it.

You: I bet we're better.


Clem's POV

The sun is out and peeking into the room. I look over and see Y/N has already left.

Me: Why didn't he wake me up?

I hear commotion in the other room, so I work my way out of the bed, carefully. I grab the crutches and put them under my arms. I push down on them to push myself up and manage to stand. I hop to the door and open it. It's a long process. Once I get it open, I hop into the room. AJ isn't on the couch, but I hear laughter coming from the kitchen area.

I look over at the kitchen and see Y/N staring at me with wide eyes. He's covered in flour. AJ is giggling at him.

AJ: What're you star-

AJ looks at me. When he sees me his eyes go wide too. His hair is now pale. I laugh at them.

Y/N: We're making breakfast. It just kind of... Hasn't worked too well.

Me: Do you need me to do it?

Y/N: I bet you can't do better than us.

Me: I wouldn't bet on it.

AJ: I think we should let her. I want to eat.

Y/N: You gave up that easy?

AJ: Yeah.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now